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3 more days to Baylee's birthday and 4 more days to Ava's. OMG I am so happy................... I am more excited about their birthdays than I would be on mine. I LOVE YOU 2..........

I will post few pics of them on their b'day.......

Into the story now. OMG what will happen??? 

"No, wait where are you? Backyard?????? OMG we have to go." Brian said while on phone. "Where?" Howie asked. "Is Y/N ok?" asked all the backstreet wives together. "No." Brian said. "Wait a min, that means they have BTS also right? because they were with her. OMG no. First Nick then Y/N and BTS." Kevin said crying. The worse was that Nick wasn't there o comfort Kevin like he always does and this realization made Kevin cry harder. "Yeah Y/N, BTS and Nick. My dear GOD." Brian said. "Nick would not want us to give up and not you at all Brian beacuse he knows you will never give up so we have to find them." Howie said. "He is right. Let us go to the backyard quickly." AJ said. The whole backstreet family went to the backyard.

 "Wait!!! If they have them in the backyard, they won't ask us to come and collect them right?? What if they have some plan?" Odin said. "Could be." said Mason. "We need a plan now." said Howie. "We can go to the backyard hiding behind the bushes to see if what they said is true. In case it is we can call the police immediately." Maxwell and Ava said. "Nowadays, kids are smarter than us." AJ said.

"The power of our generation uncle AJ." Odin said. "Leyas go save Daddy yan big sistar." said Saorise. "and BTS" added Lyric. "So who will go behind the bushes first??" Lauren asked. "Brian" everyone said knowing that his sporty nature would save him trouble that others could face. "Fine me. I am leaving be careful y'all." "You too." Lauren and Leighanne said together.

As Brian was moving ahead he noticed people standing by a tree. He went closer and noticed a huge net with....Y/N AND BTS INSIDE!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! He immediately gave other a sign that he has noticed them. AJ was going to call the police when someone grabbed his phone. They all look around and a tall man in black sprayed some gas all over and everyone collapsed. Brian saw this and began to escape because he was their only chance left, he can't get caught.

But unfortunately he did. Brian ran for a long while until some syringe hit him. He had stepped on their trap and he got shot by the syringe. He removed it and ran till how much he could. He has never given up in his life and even now he won't. Everyone is counting on him and especially Nick is surviving in wherever he is because he has faith in Brian. Brian can't stop now. He just can't. But no, his body wasn't cooperating any more, he tried to run but he fell. He couldn't get up and then everything when black. 

"Vanilla mam, we have them all. We just need to find Mr. Littrell. I guess he is here somewhere." the huge guy said on the phone call to Vanilla. "GET HIM YOU BUFFON." yelled Vanilla from the other line. "Yes mam, don't worry. We have set traps so he can't get too far." he said. "Ok good. You go get him and send the rest with your fellow mission members." "Yes mam." The guy then gets all their victims loaded on a truck which swiftly and cautiously leaves the land. He went out in search of Brian.

Brian on the other hand tried his best to regain his consciousness, he immediately called 911 and said, "BTS and BSB family has been kidnapped, This is Brian Littrell, save them before the kidnappers get to me." and then he collapsed. The person on the other line kept asking for the location but upon no answer they decided to take action. The guy found Brian laying on the ground. "There you are. Now mam will be happy. We have all the members of BTS and the whole BSB family." he said. But something he never noticed was Brian's phone. The call was still on and the whatever he said was heard.

Vanilla and Homan were sitting and sipping some juice. Relaxing as much as they could till their victims reached. "Vanilla? Don't min me ask but why did you plan on finding out Lil Littrell's identity." Homan asked. "Oh!! Well look at how lucky she is to live such a luxurious life and she is overacting as to how much of a trouble it is for her and hiding her face to gain fame. So I wanna ruin that." Vanilla said, "What about you? Why are you helping me Homan?" "I hate boybands. When 1 person can sing, why have a group to sing. The song sounds horrible with different tones." Homan replied scoffing. "I see." Vanilla said. 

Vanilla thought of the day she came up with the plan. It was a cold winter day when she was walking down the lane shivering. Her mother refused to buy her a new sweater but the old one was getting short for her. Her parents needed to save money to pay the loan they had taken for their new house they had bought a month ago upon shifting back to Georgia from NYC. She felt very cold.

Suddenly she noticed Baylee Littrell and Lil Littrell coming out of their huge mansion wearing very warm clothes. She felt envious. She had heard that Lil Littrell always hid her true self from everyone and hence was a huge talk and gossip among people. she knew Lil Littrell was adopted so she thought that Lil Littrell did all this to gain fame and she was not blood related to the Littrell's. Then something hit her; If she found the real identity of Lil Littrell , she would earn money from news channels. She took up to making a plan for this.

But she needed people to help her so she set out in search for other people who would be ready to do it for the money should would provide them. Once she dashed into a tall, fair guy while she was writing her plan. The plan paper fell on the guy and he read it. She feared he would report her but instead he extended his hand and smiled at her. This guy was her now partner in crime Homan who agreed to work with her on the plan. 

Suddenly her thought were interrupted by the sound of a truck. Their victims arrived to the wonderful stay they were going to give them. And behind the truck was the huge guy with Brian on his back. Vanilla smirked. Her plan and Homan's plan was now at its final stage. She was confident of winning but she wasn't aware that her guy gave a short clue to the police unintentionally.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter..... I won't have much free time in the coming days so I will try to upload another chapter by 26th or 27th if possible. Yeah I know. On either Baylee's B'day or on Ava's B'day😂.

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