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10 people were given an invitation to go to space...

What the 10 individuals didn't know, was that they weren't picked randomly, they were picked because the creators wanted to see how the 10 personalities would collide with no escape...
Some may become enemies, best friends or even lovers.

10 go in, how many will come out?

1. The Leader - Pewdiepie
The Leader is someone who takes charge in difficult situations, they might not be doing the right thing but they'll be in charge.

2. The Follower - Lily
The Follower is the type of person to follow a crowd whether it's a majority vote or sometimes the follower will side with the leader because they have the most authority.

3. The Brains - Toast
The Brains always do the logical thing in a situation and they also try to attempt to plan or think ahead.

4. The Adventurer - JackSpeticEye
The Adventurer will always try to experience something new or explore new places that they haven't already.

5. The Carer - Sykkuno
The Carer will do everything in their power to help someone or defend someone even if they know is wrong.

6. The Thinker - Michael Reeves
The Thinker is the person who thinks outside of the box and points out ideas that Number 3 might not think of.

7. The Debater - Poki
The Debater will try to talk their way out of any situation or talk people into one.

8. The Clown - Charlie
The Clown will try their best to make the others laugh, even in terrible situations but can also be logical and reasonable.

9. The Fire - Valkyrae
The Fire will stop at nothing to get their point across and wants nothing more than to be heard and understood.

10. The Hypnotist - Corpse
The Hypnotist is someone who can convince you to do anything, no matter what it is they'll have you second-guessing yourself.

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now