The invitation

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"AhSi, who's your plus one you will taking to my party?" Ximen asked.

"If you still don't have a girl, MeiZuo and I can introduce you to one of our acquaintances. Just give us your criteria and description of your dream girl! Bingo, we can surely find someone for you!" MeiZuo just laughed.

"I don't need a girl. Why I need a girl. I'll coming with Lei " AhSi replied.

"But Lei will coming with a girl too, AhSi. You will only be their third wheel. You definitely will not having fun", Ximen said again.

"I don't get you all, why we need girls for fun. Didn't we always enjoy ourselves, just us?" Confused AhSi.

"It's my 18th birthday AhSi! Officially I am in legal age to drink. Also my parents throwing a big party in one five stars hotel. They 've booked one whole floor for us, so guests no need to go back home drunk and drive. Do you really want to share a room with Lei and his potential girlfriend? " explained Ximen.

"Fine, I am not going to drink, not even a sip! Satisfied ?" AhSi answered stubbornly.

"Suit yourself!" Ximen gave up.

"beside, if by a chance I happened to have a drink, I will call my driver!" AhSi added then walked away.

Ximen 18th Birthday Party is one of the most wanted invitations at their school.

Everyone trying to get the invitation , or if not they're trying to be the date of the one get the invite. Obviously all the who's and who in the school get invited. School's sports captains, cheerleaders, rich kids from famous parents  and to make it more diversity, Ximen invited all schools activities leaders organisations.

Shancai is the leader of baking activity club. She has no idea, why she has gotten invited in such prestigious birthday party of one popular student at school. She thought it was a joke at first, then she found out the reason why. 

She has no close guy friends to take her to that type of party, most of her friends are girls. However since she get the invitation, she finds some random boys starting to chat with her or even coming to her baking clubs in the hope, they can be her plus one.

Her best friend XiaYou think she is so lucky and she should go. However the more she think, the more she feels she should not. It will not her kind of environment. Rich kids, louds party, she very sure she will not enjoy a bit.

Until she met one of her classmates Xin Bai, the beauty Queen in her class.

"ShanCai, you better not going to that Party, because a girl like you only going to ruin the classy party!" told Xin Bai loudly in front of everybody, making Shancai shocked.

"Thank you for remind me, Xin Bai. Now, you help me to make my decision easier ". Shancai answered politely.

Although she's mind her own business not worry what is other people thinking, Shancai is a very righteous person. She also a firm believer, things happen for a reason.

"XiaYou, would you like to go to the Ximen's Party with me?" Shancai asked.

XiaYou can not believe what she's hearing " What, Shancai! Really, seriously? You asking me. Of course I would love to go. I really want to see how the other people lives". XiaYou almost screamed.

"I will ask my brother to drive us there". Said XiaYou.

XiaYou's brother Lin Zhao is two years older than them. He likes Shancai, but he never tell her, he did not want to upset his sister by asking her best friend out.

" okay, let's get prepare for next Saturday" Shancai feelings slightly excited too.

Ah well, I get the invitation. It's only fair if I am going. Who knows I may get some inspiration from the cakes they will serve there. After all it is in five stars hotel, a place I may only visit once in a lifetime. Never again. Never meet those people again. That's what Shancai thinking.

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