The unforgettable party 1

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"Oh XiaYou , why this thing happened to me?"Shancai sobbing.

"Why me, why with Ahsi, that Daomingsi . I don't understand! Now I can't face anyone anymore. I am the laughing stock in our school now!"

XiaYou handed Shancai a glass of water and tissue. She drank it and wipe her eyes.

"Everyone will think, I am an easy girl. AhSi definitely out of my league. I have nothing to do with him at all. It was all an accident. It just a stupid Ximen's idea, I swear. I wasn't following him because I fancy him, you knew that , didn't you? You were there. I know no one gonna believe me, if I try to explain. No one! One word from him, I am dead!" frustrated Shancai .

" I know Shancai, I know. I will defending you in front of everyone. Things wasn't like it seems. But will you tell me what was actually happened? " said XiaYou

"I was just getting the juice for you , and when I back , you weren't there. I was looking for you everywhere, oh actually I was looking for AhSi, because it much easier to spot him,  I thought , he's tall and wearing that hilarious yellow jacket and I know you for sure will definitely around him. But I can't find him either, so I asked Ximen. To my surprised he didn't know either, but luckily he then talked to MeiZuo and he told us that you both went out to pick up Lei ". XiaYou told Shancai .

"You could've ring me?" Blurted Shancai.

"I could. But the music very loud, I thought you wouldn't able to hear if it was ringing anyway. But no worries, you here now, safe and sound that's the main thing. You don't need to tell me what happened with you and AhSi, if you don't want to. You can tell me anytime, I won't pressure you" XiaYou trying to make her calm.

Shancai about to say something, but suddenly thought whether AhSi mind if she tell anyone what really happened. I better asked him first, I would not dare if he mad at me if I tell a soul that somehow quite embarrassing.

"Yeah, maybe next time. I just don't want to be reminded" she thought that for the best.

After awhile, some people starting to forget AhSi and Shancai incidents. They're carrying on with the party. High volume music, some couples dancing, others just having foods and drinks. Or just chatting loudly with each other's.

XiaYou looking at Shancai "do you wanna staying or going home? I can call my brother to pick us up if you want?"Offered XiaYou.

It's 9:30 PM, Shancai thinking what should I do. She assumed after what happened, she won't oblige to keep Ximen's task of following AhSi anymore. Surely they wouldn't expecting me to do that now. I suppose XiaYou and I could just sitting here out of sight from everybody then  that should be fine. Beside is not fair if XiaYou must leave the party too, she was very excited to come to this party.

"It's okay, we'll staying." Shancai decided.

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