Out of the Party

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He seemed really annoyed when he saw me and XiaYou picked similar stuffs, Shancai thought, *that's exactly what I am planning to do all night. I will follow him, whatever you doing, anywhere you go. Hmm, we all can play by the rule. I bet I will win the most annoying contest tonight. 

She and XiaYou followed him walked toward MeiZuo who is standing too close to a very pretty lady in sexy dress.

"AhSi, you good? This is, Angela my date." MeiZuo introducing his newest woman to AhSi.

"Angela baby, you must know DaomingSi " That woman smiled too eager flashing her white teeth. "Who doesn't know DaomingSi in Shanghai, nice finally meeting you!". AhSi just smirked politely. Typical MeiZuo's women, he wasn't surprised.

"Don't you want to tell me , who's your cute date behind you?" MeiZuo pointed at Shancai who stood busily chewing her mini burger.

"What! Date whose date ?" AhSi said don't understand.

"She's not my date, she is my minion and her minion's friend" he said. it's still bothered him because Shancai and her friend just stupidly copying him with their choice of food, like idiots.  He had enough people copied what he did because people think it would pleased him,like massaging his ego,  in fact it's the opposite. He hated people who licked his ass to get his approval.

"It's Ximen doing, ask him. I only agreed because it's his birthday!" Her name is Shancai ,if you must know and I can't remember her friend's name" Ahsi explained unwillingly.

" anyway, have you seen Lei? " AhSi looking around.

MeiZuo answered; "Nope!" Probably he's forgotten to pick his girl and had to go back" laughing again.

AhSi grabbed his phone and ring Lei's number, waiting for an answer.

Meanwhile Shancai feelings thirsty, after finished all her foods. She's waiting if any of the waitresses walking around with some drinks around her. But none of them. She need to get one from one of those drinks table but she can't. It means she then have to leave AhSi. Unless AhSi also going to get his drink, she can follow him. But he did not. She thought, I can ask XiaYou to get a drink for me then.

"XiaYou, could you get the pineapple juice for me please. You know I can't leave that 'giraffe' alone." Uttered Shancai very annoyed.

" no worries Shancai, I'll get it for you. I need one for myself anyway." XiaYou replied then left Shancai alone.

Suddenly AhSi speak loudly on his phone "Okay Lei, just wait there! I'll come to get you! Just text me your location!"

AhSi tell MeiZuo, that Lei's is broken down and he is going to pick him up, he rush walking fast toward the exit door. Shancai without thinking running to follow him.

Until they both outside the building in the carpark when AhSi finally realised Shancai was there.

" what are you doing here?" AhSi shocked.

"I just follow you. I don't know I wasn't thinking, you didn't tell me what's going on ." Shancai so afraid .

"I have to pick up my friend' his car broken down on the way here. So either you go back inside or you can come with me" AhSi told her rather impatient.

"Alright, just get in the car. I have no time to explain " He's open the car's door and hurried her inside. Shancai just sit quietly, fastened her seatbelt on.

Within minute, he drive his blue Mercedes away leaving the party behind them.

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