The unforgettable Party 2

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"AhSi, come on tell us what happened between you and Shancai?" probed Ximen.

"Did you both actually go to pick up Lei? Or just an excuse to be alone and getting to know each other's better. You could've just said, I told you, I booked the hotel top floor for us, you could've just went upstairs" Ximen said in half joke.

"If we known, you are into a sweet cute petite girl before, we would help you bro. We wasted our time trying to match you with sexy beautiful ladies, you were never interested to talk to them more than 10 minutes. We ended up have to console them, because girls were upset" added  MeiZuo.

"so well? AhSi,... hello! said Ximen again.

They patiently waiting for his answer. AhSi  seemed unbothered, he has decided not going to tell anyone, well, not tonight anyway.

"Nope, there's nothing interest you all. Nothing happened. Just forget it. I won't say anymore. Let's carry on with your party! I am starving! " he stormed of from them quickly to the corner of the room where the foods was located. On the way there he saw Shancai sat down and talking with her friend, he couldn't remember her name was.

It's not hard to notice her, because she still up to now wearing his yellow jacket. Somehow, it's feel like it's his way to comforting her.

He was debating himself whether to go to check on her and ask how she is like gentleman do or just ignoring her. He chosen the latter one. What help he can do.  People might talked again if he saw him near her again, only make things worse. And those friends of mine won't shut up and will teasing me all night. Sigh AhSi.

At least she is staying and not leaving the party, he felt relieved.

After grabbed some more cheese and pineapple on skewers, salmon cucumber sandwiches and a few sausage rolls, he went back to join Lei and and the his F4 gank. Although he felt kind of outcast because everyone was with their partner, either their girlfriend or future girlfriends, chatting and laughing with them. He just focused on his nibbles and keep back and forth to the corner room, where Shancai and XiaYou sitting. Unconsciously his head turn to where Shancai sitting, everytime he passed them.

After probably more than 10 times, he was back and forth , back and forth, sometimes bring some foods, or occasionally drinks, finally Lei can't hold it anymore "AhSi, that's enough food for tonight. Either you haven't eat for days or the catering here is exceptional, meaning you must asking Ximen for their business card or .....your eyes find something or someone to be exact very cute and tasty, in that case you should asked for her phone number instead".

AhSi face and ears are getting red " Lei, are you drunk already? you imagining things. You are dreaming again".

"Who?" Lei smirk. "the only person who has dream face here is you, AhSi!"

"Lei is right! You are starting dribbling already" chuckles MeiZuo.

"I am NOT" he speak rather loud.

AhSi pretend to be offended, but he has no comeback. 

"You are not friends of mine! I'm looking for Ximen!" He walked off again.

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