The Birthday Cake!

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After the performance, the MC telling everyone that Birthday cake has been cut and asking everyone to join the queue to have a slice one. Shancai almost run to join the queue if she doesn't remember XiaYou.

"Come on XiaYou! Let's go"

Even they try to be quick, the queue is already long.

Obviously for F4 they don't need to queue. 4 best cut slices piece of birthday cakes already prepared for them.

"Okay guys, do you think those 4 slices cakes are for you? ....You guessed it wrong! Haha haha. We should do a game with them, make it more exciting. We want you to give yours to your plus one. Your dates, your partners or girlfriends, ..yes your special ones. " the MC grinning.

AhSi's heart starting to race with his mind. His mind said don't think too much, but his heart telling him differently. He knew Shancai  like cakes, he keep his eyes on Shancai whereabouts, he saw her rushing to the queue for the cake. But does he has a gut to call her?

While Ximen, Lei and MeiZuo didn't have any trouble at all. They came with their plus one. Their dates were the envy of many girls at the party tonight. Just simply calling them and immediately Angela, KiKy ( lei's date ) and Jenny Lee ( Ximen latest new girl) joined them on stage.

Which left AhSI feelings under pressured, he thought about chose any girl closer to stage but his heart not allowed it.

" just call her AhSi , are you really a man?" Ximen teasing him.

"We don't have all night, come on ! Or you want us chose a girl for you?" added the MC.

" no, no it's fine. It's not a big deal anyway! Ehem ....Shancai , can you call her name please." AhSi begging for the MC to call Shancai.

" why don't you call her yourself" encourage the MC and about to give him the mic.

"I don't think, she is coming if I am calling her" AhSi said in uncertain voice.

The MC guy smiled knowingly.

"Okay, listen everybody, will any beautiful girl out there named Shancai, come to the stage please " the MC announced.

Without failed, almost everyone in the room turning their heads to the direction where Shancai in yellow jacket is standing. Well everyone, his F4 mates and their dates included, except AhSi.

He's looking down, couldn't bear to see how Shancai's reaction, will she be mad or shocked, or how about if she refused, how embarrassing it will be for him.

Shancai was definitely shocked. She doesn't know how to react. The truth is she didn't pay attention what's going on the stage, she focus on getting her piece of birthday cake. XiaYou touched her shoulders," Shancai, the MC  called your name, you better go!" shush XiaYou.

"But I almost in the middle of the queue!" Shancai said frustrated.

"Don't worry , I'll explain and ask another slice for you!". reassured XiaYou.

Both XiaYou and Shancai not following what was going on. Reluctantly, Shancai walking to the stage. 'It's only fair and polite' she thought.

Not until everyone clapping and cheering her when she's already on the stage, and see Daoming Si mouthed 'thank you' and walking to her and whispering  "no need to think too much. I just can't think any names, your name just came out'.

He didn't know who's need more reassuring, her or him. Shancai still looking blank, not understand a word and why he is saying that.

" ah, so this is Shancai! Thank you for coming on stage. AhSi was really nervous, I was expecting a scary looking girl, but my dear you are as cute as a button" the MC chuckled.

"How interesting indeed!" He thought.

"Now, please can we have those 4 birthday cakes, for Ximen, Lei, MeiZuo and AhSi. Thank you! " he said to the the waitress who brought the cakes on the stage and gave to each of F4.

The boys holding each plates of cakes and little fork.

"Now, we will see The Couple who can finish the cake quicker!" The MC laughing.

"The rule of the game is that you both must take turn and feed each other's but also we do not want to see the crumb on the floor. Or you will be disqualified."

Shancai listened in horror. She almost out of breath. My nightmare has not ended yet...

F4 boys by nature are very competitive, so any games no matter how ridiculous, they still want to win.

"Please, I owe you.... anything you name it. Just collaborate with me in this game, i don't care if we lose, eat slow if you prefer." begged AhSi looking straight to Shancai.

In Shancai's mind " this is nightmare, but my sweet nightmare " If all I need to do just to eat cake.

 " okay" she answered but internally she's excited.

" Read, Get set 3, 2, 1 GO .......EAT " the Eating Game started.

AhSi, started by give small piece to Shancai, she's very dainty girl. I must be gentle.But Shancai cut more bigger piece to feed AhSi encouraging him to giving her a bigger one too. AhSi feelings more confident, each time their pieces were getting bigger.

While the other couples eating their cakes, with laughing and bit of flirting, even teasing another couples too, but not the case with AhSi and Shancai, they just concentrate to each other's. Focus on the cake and feeding each other's. Shancai is not the kind of girl, who's trying to be girlish just looking cute. AhSi noted. Or she just love eating cake? He wondered.

"We have a Winner here!" Exclaimed the MC.

"congratulations! Shancai and AhSi "

"Shancai, I must admit your look is deceiving. Haha. Don't judge the book by it's cover! Really is fitting with you. I understand why AhSi do not know what to do with you " that throwaway comment from the MC caused both of them flustered.

"She is running the baking club after all. So it's not surprising. She's a Cake Eating Queen! " Ximen yelled. Lei smiled wide.

"AhSi just get lucky, picking the perfect girl for the job" MeiZuo added.

"Here is the Prize, a voucher for Valentine's dinner for two at this five stars hotel restaurant" the MC handed the voucher to Shancai.


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