Shancai best bits at the party not last long

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"Shancai, don't fret. You keep the voucher. Go with your friend, anyone you like, don't worry about me, okay " uttered Ahsi.

"Are you sure? Oh thanks AhSi. Good of you. I'll be my new experience. I never eating in a fancy restaurant like this before. Not like you, probably you eat out every months! For sure you would rather be going with your kind, rather than eating with someone like me. It's still 3 months away anyway, I will find someone, surely it won't need persuasion to eat at this restaurant for free."reasoned Shancai smiling hopefully.

AhSi listen to blubbering Shancai. Somehow try to digest her words.

('Someone like me' ...... those words lingered on him. 3 months away! Yes, still time. Time to do what Daoming Si, exactly? AhSi pondered)


XiaYou came to Shancai straight away after she walked down from the stage.

"Wow , congratulations Shancai! " beamed XiaYou.

"Did you see how many jealous girls had to watch you being fed by AhSi" XiaYou stated .

Shancai answered quickly " NO! I didn't. I fully concentrated in the game and arghhh the cake were so delicious XiaYou, have you try it. You must try it! The best birthday cake ever!" Shancai said almost screaming.

"if we had known that you were going to get that cake in the most special way, you didn't need to queue, did you?" Muttered XiaYou.

"Why? Of course I still would. I only had half of slice. I want more!!" Screamed Shancai.

"Haha, you are silly! Every girls would kill to share a cake with that Daoming Si, you are the only girl I know will kill Daoming Si for a cake!" XiaYou laughing in tears.


The MC still doing some games and giving out some prizes for the winners.

Shancai and XiaYou didn't really paying attention about what was going on the stage, they just sitting and finishing eating their birthday cakes (the one that XiaYou got for her).

Some boys from school occasionally came to them and say hi and asking if Shancai enjoying the party. Which is Shancai found a bit weird, how those boys even know her name.

"See now, you are as famous as the F4, they are being friendly with you because they saw how close you are with F4. They are want a piece of you now." XiaYou smirked.

"But you know, I am not close with them! It's only coincidence. It just my bad luck. It's because Ximen prank me". Shancai exhaled , " I bet you, by Monday the F4 will definitely forget about me and never know I even exist " Shancai laughing.

Suddenly, a bunch of girls standing in front of them, " That's true! Good to know you realised it girl. As between girls, I feel I need to protect you from further heartache. They won't give s*** about you after they played you. Especially a plain girl like you. You're not their type. Just take it as a piece of free advice from experienced girls like us." they just leaving after that remark.

Shancai was so shocked and dropped a piece of cake on AhSi's yellow jacket, with the cream was on it, when she tried to wipe it off, it smeared with blue stained.

"Oh No! Busted. Now I really in trouble XiaYou! " Shancai said in worrying tone.

"How I can tell AhSi about this. He probably mad with me. I must take it to the dry cleaner before I return it back to him. Ah, it will cost me a fortune!" groaned Shancai.

In the meantime, I must avoiding him for the rest of the night.

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