Invitation to my party!

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On Monday, before the class starts.

AhSi just entered the classroom and delivering his lines straight-away,

"Hey guys, you all invited to my party at my house, this weekend, Saturday at 7 PM. I'll text again later to remind you. Make sure you'll be there".

"What!! You're joking right?" Ximen quickly replied.

"What party AhSi? Your birthday was 2 months ago" asked MeiZuo

AhSi throwing a puzzled look.

"Who's saying about birthday party? I only said a party!" he said nonchalant.

"Yes, we heard that, but what are you celebrating?  If you just want to chill out and having some fun no need to throw a party, we schedule meeting up at your house anyway the following Saturday, but not this Saturday" Lei said.

"Yeah I know that, but 2 weeks it's too long. Beside that's our F4 meeting, our bridge practice, not a party" AhSi responded .

"Too long?!!!! What's the urgency? AhSi, we just hang out on Ximen's party last Saturday and as far as I can remember, you don't like party. You even left early last week." MeiZuo muttered.

"I don't care. You my mates, just make sure you all clear your Saturday night for my party". AhSi said in his usual stubborn tone.

"But, ...AhSi we have plans. I'm afraid I can't cancel my date. This girl is the one playing hard to get and finally she's agreed to going out for a date with me. I've booked a table at 5 stars restaurant already" MeiZuo try to reasoning.

"Cancel it, I'll rebooked for two of you again for the next day" AhSi replied quickly.

"AhSi, I have date too" said Ximen

"Well, I am not stopping you to bring your girlfriend to my party, in fact I'm hoping you all to bring your girls." AhSi said cheerfully.

"Perhaps you too, Lei"

"What! Me? Asking a girl out again? No way. Last week was a struggle. No, no, taking care a girlfriend is such a hardwork. I'd rather be on my own. Why I have to bring a girl to your party? Don't you be there to company me anyway AhSi?" Lei unconvinced.

"Well , yeah, of course I will be there, but....the thing is I may can not accompany you all the time, (you may need someone too)"  AhSi mumbled with his answer.

"Now, I don't want to hear anymore excuses. Sssst, our teacher here now!"


At lunch break Shancai surprised to bump into AhSi on her way to the cafetaria.

"AhSi ,....err " Shancai didn't know what to say, wondering if was it about his yellow jacket (she hasn't put his jacket to the dry cleaning yet)


"Sorry, I haven't got the time, .. your jacket still  .."

AhSi just cut off " no, it's ok, ok Shancai, I'm not asking for that now, you can give it to me anytime, I just giving you this" he handed her a piece of card.

"what is this?" worried Shancai.

"An invitation to my party. My address there. Your friend can come too". he said in low tone.

"What party? Is it your birthday?" Shancai unsure why she get invited.

"Err, not really.  I don't need reason for throwing party. I do it all the time". AhSi lied.

"I really hope you can come and be my guest this time"  (if only you knew, you are the reason,  I invented this party. First time I done it )"

—-before he lose his courage, he saying it quickly;

"One more thing, will you bake some cookies for me..."

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