Ximen's Speech and the birthday cake and flowers!

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At 10 PM, Ximen standing on the stage at front of the ballroom.

"Welcome and thank you for everyone to spare your precious Saturday night, coming here to company me celebrating my 18th birthday. Otherwise, I would probably just drink myself to get sick with my unbearable F4 mates , AhSi, Lei and MeiZuo. Imagine how miserable my life would be..."

(the crowd cheering him, he put a sad face)

"Also thank you for all your donations to the children charity I chosen and for all the presents you insisted to give to me too. (He bowed) One of them is a box of homemade cookies, which I am sure would be very scrumptious, I can't wait to taste it" 

(Ximen grinning , his eyes searching to find where Shancai is, and when he caught her eyes, he is sending her half of smile and half of smirk. Shancai looking at him.  AhSi watching both of them glaring to Ximen and give a warning look to stop teasing that poor girl)

A sudden realisation struck him, 'it is only barely 3 hours I knew her, why I care about her so much?'

Ximen carry on with his speech for his birthday.

"I know, it's such a cliche to have birthdays cake, but I am going to have it anyway" he chuckled.

"Thanks my beloved mother for the cake" he bowed his head to his parents, they were stood in the front of guests. 

It turned out the birthday cake is no joke.

Two waitresses pushing a big wheel table, a huge cake in the replica of airplane, coated in blue and white colour frosting. Fully decorated and have candles on it. The birthday cake made by professional is look delicious too. Everyone clapping, its such amazing looking birthday cake. Shancai eyes open wide with adoration ( she's after all from the baking club), and she has never seen a fancy birthday cake like that. Not in real. Now she is glad she decided to stay.

Ximen family must be filthy rich, she said to XiaYou. "I know Shancai, but I heard The Daoming even more richer" whispered XiaYou.

"I hope, we have a chance to taste that cake" Shancai didn't care about Daoming family fortune, it's the cake she's thinking about.

The birthday cake lit up with 18 candles and the MC starting to sing Happy Birthday and everybody join in singalong together.

"Happy Birthday dear Ximen, Happy birthday to you !"

Ximen make his wish and blow the candles, he then cut the cake.

First cut and second slices he gave to his parents. His dad patted his shoulder, his mom kiss his cheeks.

The MC announced, it would be enough cake to go around and everyone should be able to taste it.

Shancai delighted when she hear it.

Ximen then said thank you again, and walking down the stage and let the MC to carry on with the games. Ximen's parents and some of their businesses and older guests leaving the party, he saying good bye to them.

After his folks left, he's back to the stage again and invited his F4 gank to join him on the stage.

"I need a favour from my best friends to do this, my present for you all"

No one guessed it, the F4 are going to perform and sing their own song "For You". A surprise!

All the girls are rushing to the front of the stage and screaming. It's just like a scene from boyband concert. They're singing and swaying their bodies along.

At the end of their performance, they threw 18 single roses to the girls which caused some chaos. For the ones who caught the roses, their faces fill with joy, one of them was Xin Bai, Shancai's class mate  and some who didn't get it look very disappointed.

Shancai and XiaYou didn't bother to participate and stay stood behind just watching.

AhSi could not help to notice it. She doesn't like flowers. He thought.

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