Before the Party Started

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"See you all tonight! Surprise me with your dates ! MeiZuo, I bet you'll bring your newest lady, and Lei, don't forget to pick your girl, AhSi won't be your driver this time!" Ximen shouted.

" AhSi, still time to find someone , I'll text you the lists of phone number some of cute girls " he chuckled.

"Don't bother, I am happy on my own!" AhSi replied.

At 7 pm that night, the carpark of Golden Sky hotel busy and packed with luxurious cars. Girls arriving in beautiful dress and boys in tailored suit tuxedo.

Most like Prom's night.

Shancai and XiaYou nervously arrived at the hotel gate, after been driven by ...

"Enjoy the party. Don't drink too much. Don't let any guys take advantage of you two. Call me, if you have enough, I'll pick you up straight-away". Like a perfect brother he told the girls.

"Don't worry Gege, sure we will having fun" said XiaYou feelings excited.

They were never been in this kind of party before, so as they thought it was birthday party, they brought some presents.

XiaYou bought a tie ( the most expensive tie that she could afford), while Shancai brought some homemade cookies that she baked. She could not buy some expensive gifts and she thought she invited to the party because she run the baking club after all. Then handmade cookies will be appropriate enough presents.

Before enter the grand ballroom, they had to showed the invitation and got her name checked.

A woman receptionist smiled to them and asked to leave the presents at the desk. Quite obvious no one else brought the gifts to the party, because apparently Ximen's parents already asked people to send money for the charity they chosen instead of giving him presents. Of course some wealthy colleagues of his parent still insisted and sending gifts to his house.

Shancai feels embarrassed and said apology to receptionist that she did not know.

By any chance AhSi just arrived on his own in the most bright yellow color any human could wear. No one could missed him.

"AhSi! What the hell are you wearing man!" Ximen laugh loudly, that made Shancai jumped.

Both Ximen and AhSi looked at her and he said apologised.

"Sorry, it's only my dear friend here, making my eyesore. I think he is planning to upstaged me on my own birthday. So, what's your name? Truly sorry again, I don't know half of my guests here" said Ximen charmingly.

"It's fine. Nobody knows me anyway. I'm Shancai, from the baking club and my friend XiaYou. Thank you for inviting us, Ximen" replied Shancai.

"I don't have a suitable gifts for you, we are sorry" said Shancai again.

"You don't? How can you not bring presents to someone's birthday party ?

I can just not let you in, unless you do something for me"

Ximen teased her. He suddenly has a cunning idea.

"I will give you punishment. I am the birthday boy, my wish must granted! Everyone should fulfill my wishes, right. See my friend here, AhSi let me introduce you to him. He is lonely. You must accompany him and be around him during my party. Never have distance more than 2 meters. Okay, you agree? " demand Ximen.

"XIMEEEN !!!" Both Shancai and AhSi scream at the same time.

XiaYou just scared , she can't saying anything.

"Well, actually I did bring you present, some homemade cookies!" pleaded Shancai.

"I'm afraid it's too late, bunny. My decision already made. However, I can give you dispensation, you may leave him alone before midnight. I am that generous" Ximen can't help but feelings so proud of himself.

This gonna be interesting night, Ximen thinking.

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