Get the Party Started

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Shancai feels uncertain but she and XiaYou then followed Ximen and AhSi to the huge ballroom beautifully decorated and lighted. Most of the guests already arrived and they all look very glamorous. Shancai looks around and she recognised some of cool kids from their school looking at them, but she is trying her best to ignore them.

"Help yourself with all the foods and selections drinks from the tables. Waiters will carrying canopies and welcome drinks around!" Ximen said nicely to them.

But added "Shancai, I will be watching you. Your duty accompanying my brother AhSi! " He's laughing while saying "AhSi be nice to her , will you? I am the birthday boy here, but I feel, I am the one giving you a present! HAHAHA HA!

AhSi just glared at him and take a quick glanced at Shancai, that girl looked nervous. He thinks she is boring and timid type of girl. She will not the kind of girls who will trying to flirt with me all night, like most other girls. At least , he thought.

"hi Shancai, don't worry, I am not going to bite you or not even bother you. You don't have to talk to me, or say anything. I will telling you what to do. I am doing this for Ximen only, because knowing him, if not you, he will pairing me up with another girl anyway and guaranteed the other girls would be stick to me like a leech. At least you are don't look annoying and don't smell like has been drench in a whole bucket of perfumes, it makes me —eek!" AhSi starting to stated some ground rules.

Shancai just nodded. Her friend XiaYou felt sorry for her already, how Shancai so unlucky, she will not be able to enjoy the party at all.

"It's okay XiaYou, I wasn't planning to be doing a party animal anyway, I just coming to experience some foods " whispered Shancai.

"Oh, one more thing, don't drink too much alcohol and try to get drunk okay. Girls always pretend they're weak and drunk to get advantage of me!"

Shancai can not help but feel offended by AhSi words this time.

"Who wanted to do that? Why I wanted to take advantage of you anyway! You are full of yourself! Have you see yourself in the mirror, you are looking ridiculous in yellow jacket. Like a bee with your hair like sting antenna " Shancai finally blurted out her thought of him.

"hey, stupid girl, I said no talking to me. You sure you know me, DaomingSi, every girls in the school want to be my girl friend" AhSi not happy that Shancai talked to him like that.

"Do not start—upsetting me. Okay, Shancai , now behave my little follower. I need to get some shrimps on skewers over there. Come follow me! "

Shancai has no option but to follow the rules of less than 2 meters distances , that she agreed. XiaYou being loyal to her friend, following them too.

"Hey AhSi, how are you? You look cool! come here! " shouted some people.

"I just going to grab some food, MeiZuo. Will get back to you!" replied AhSi.

AhSi picked a few skewers of grilled seafoods, vegetables mixed . Put on his plate. A couples of mini burgers and filled up his plate with slices of cucumbers and baby tomatoes. He noticed, Shancai did exactly the same, same choice of foods, and same amount too.

He groaned, this girl has no brain.

"Shancai, I said follow me here to get the foods. Not necessary chose the same foods. You are my follower not my twin!" Slightly annoyed AhSi.

Shancai just nod. She saw XiaYou also picked exactly the food like her.

That means the three of them like triplets. She smiled inside a little, suddenly she has a lightbulb moment. 

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