In the car ride

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Shancai sat really quietly on the passenger seat. If she could,  she probably try not breathing too, so DaomingSi will never noticed her existence. This was really not the night she was imagining she was going to. She thought about her plan, coming to the party where no one care about, just  eating all those fancy food and drinks, something she never or rarely do it. Instead she is now sitting in a very expensive car being driven by one of the popular boy in their school if not the most popular guy in Shanghai.

And the worst of it being scolded by the same person.

"Are you really stupid or what? How you followed me like without thinking! Can't you use your brain? Or you have no brain, Shancai?" AhSi started his long speech just when they were on the road and he started driving.

"just grateful! I am not a bad person, not criminal! Not a pervert guy who will take advantage of you. You maybe not sexy or seductive like all those MeiZuo or Ximen girls always dated. But you are still a girl, you have 'those twos" and 'that'!" He suddenly felt awkward, argh what I was saying. He stopped a momentarily, try to find a better words.

He saw Shancai's face getting redden.

O, shoot, this is embarrassing AhSi thought. He has not many experiences being alone with many girls. Of course he had done some gentlemen duties to pick up some girls or took some girls back home safely. He done some of those.

But all those girls mostly the one do the talking. Sweet talking and girlish or trying their hardest to make conversation with him or make some suggestive moves, which very easy for him to ignored and refused with one glare.

This is the very first time, he has to take the lead in conversation.

That stupid girl does not make any easier either. She has no women instincts. Ugh where is Ximen, when I needed him the most.

"You do, ... you do really understand what I meant , right ? " AhSi finally managed to open his mouth again.

Shancai only nodded, still didn't say anything. Her mind full of so many thoughts.

"It's okay, you can speak to me now. After all, this journey taking so long than I thought. Saturday night, this time the traffics very bad. At least, I am not talking to myself" AhSi trying to be reasonable.

"You understand, yes? " repeated AhSi again.

" Hmm, yes " softly Shancai answered.

" So tell me about yourself... are you have a boyfriend?" Gosh, stupid stupid he thought, what kind of question was that. But he was pretended to be cool about it.

"no" Shancai short replied.

" Do you?" Shancai thought it is only polite to ask him back.

" Do you what? Do you mean do I have a girl friend? " he was hoped not to carry on that subject.

"Of course I don't have gf, if I have one,  do you think I will be driving in the car and talking to you like this?" AhSi talked very fast. "but it doesn't mean I can't have one, I just don't want to" he thought he must explain it, not sure why.

"Okay, yeah of course you can get any girl you like, you are very popular and good looking " Shancai hesitatedly said.

AhSi laughed " so you think I am good looking, Shancai!  even in this ridiculous yellow jacket huh? "

"Well, your outfit is your clothing. Outside the surface. Nothing to do with your physical body". omg, why I said that Shancai pondered.

For some weird reason, AhSi proudly smile inside.

Then all over sudden, there was a police car flashing the lights and indicated him to stop the car.

Unwillingly he stopped his car by the side of the road.

Two policemen walked to the car and knocked the driver's window.

"Good evening Sir, may I see your driving licence, and would you and your girlfriend step out the car please for a moment. We must carry on some checks  " 

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