By the road side

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"She is NOT my girlfriend"

That was the first thing AhSi said to the police officers. Which not change anything whatsoever for the officers. While Shancai  feelings slightly bruised. 'I know I am not and I will never be, but no need to broadcasting it to everyone. AhSi must be feel embarrassed to be seen with a girl like me', Shancai thought.

"Well, whatever you relationship is with her, can you both get out the car now please" said one of the officer.

"And also Sir, we need to take breathalyser test on you too."

"But I haven't drinking Sir" AhSi said.

"Well, there is nothing to worry then. It just a random check, it's normal on Saturday Night " the police officer added again.

"Alright then", AhSi very confident he had not touch any of alcohol drink at the party tonight. He just don't understand how on earth happening to him tonight , he thought he would only simply attended birthday party of his best mate, now ended up on the road being stopped by the police, having breath test, accompanied by a tiny girl he had barely known.

After they took his breath test, AhSi and Shancai had to wait outside the car, while waiting for the result. Shancai feelings a bit chilly, as she is only wearing a dress for party indoor not expecting to be outside at all.

Looking at her, AhSi can not help noticing she shivered.

Hesitate he asked her, "Are you feelings cold?"

Shancai shook her head, pretending she was not.

He has been brought up to be a gentleman by his family especially with women in his family. She is not a family, but she is tiny, his mind think.

"Here , wear my jacket. Don't argue with me. I just do not want to get blamed if you got sick, ok" AhSi said firmly.

"I must let Lei know, we had been stopped by the police and we are not sure when I can get to his location".

He ring Lei's number and explained his situation and apologies for the delayed to pick him up. As expected Lei understood and reassured him, it does not matter. They will get a taxi, so he is no need to worry, just see each others at the party.

AhSi looked at Shancai again, that girl look absolutely ridiculous wearing his yellow jacket which obviously oversized on her. Although instead feeling annoyed, inside he is feeling good. He somehow feeling like a hero, protecting a vulnerable people. But this helpless person, looks so cute. What! Cute, that's not what I meant.... no no, I never said she is cute. What's is wrong with my brain tonight. His cheek and ears red. His face flustered.

Shancai noticed it and asked AhSi " are you okay? You looked hot and reddish."Great, AhSi thought. How to get out this awkward situation.

"Do you need your jacket back?" Shancai asked worried.

"Oh no, you keep it. I just, just ...maybe some cold wind, but you need the jacket more than me", he could not think for any other reason.

Meanwhile the police officers finally done with the car checked.

"Thank you for your co operation Sir and Ma'am. Nothing suspicious in your car. However we found a small trace of alcohol in your breath Sir. We need to be sure, we need to check again. Are you absolutely certain you haven't drink anything prior your driving Sir? If you don't mind me asking, where you driving from and where to?" The most senior police officer talking to AhSi.

He then has to explain everything from Ximen's party and his planned to pick up his friend in the middle of party because his friend's car broken down. By mentioning at the party before, the police has to assume there could be alcohol involved. Very logical.

AhSi can not comprehend that things is getting from bad to worse.

He's now remembered, he drank a welcome drink when he was arrived at the party, maybe that there was alcohol in it without his aware. AhSi told the truth to the police. One good trait about him, he always telling the truth although he sometimes not realising that could hurt people.

Shancai listened to all the conversation, and strangely enough she admired his honesty. He is a better person that I have give him credit for.

"I am afraid Sir, we can not allowed you to drive your car under circumstances.. We could offer to escort you back to the party". said the police officer. 

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