Back to the party

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This is not happening.

AhSi shocked and couldn't find something to say for a moment.

Going in police car, not in million years. He's thinking about calling his family lawyer, but what would they going to do. Also is already 8.3O PM now, they should go back to Ximen party. If they waiting for his driver to come, it will taking more time. He has another person to consider too, Shancai. She most likely prefer to be in the party rather then stuck in somewhere by side road in cold night.

When he can't find another way to resolve the situation, he surrendered.

"Okay Sir, I accepted your offer. Thank you very much", AhSi finally said.

"Very well then. You may leave your car key with us. One of the officer will taking your car to the police station. You can pick it up tomorrow".

With slight embarrassment, AhSi apologetically talking to Shancai.

" I am very sorry for what happened. You heard them, we will have to go in the police car to drive us back to Ximen party"

"I understand, it's not your fault " Shancai said quitely.

They both walked with the officer to a police car and sit at the back of the car. The police car driven them back to the hotel where the party held. AhSi and Shancai minds went blank, during the car journey they both just looked out the windows feeling unsure . AhSi never feel so confused in his entire life. No doubt it is one of the night he would never forget forever.


When they arrived at the hotel car park, politely they say thank you. AhSi promised to be more careful next time with his drink and drive. The police car then drive away leaving them.

AhSi looked at Shancai not sure what to do. She looked down not say anything. She still wearing his yellow jacket, although she seemed not realising it. AhSi thought about to tell her, but something inside him prevented him and saying she seemed comfy then let her be.

"Let's go back inside" asked AhSi.

Shancai only nodded.

They passed the security and the receptionist let them in, because they recognised Daoming Si.

Shancai and AhSi walked together to the ballroom, where everyone was already in, including Lei and his date. Suddenly every eyes in the room stop whatever they're doing and look at them and gasping " WoW!!!! "

Shancai never in the situation where she was in the centre of the attraction, while AhSi just get used to it.  She was wondering why everyone looking at her in shocked face.

Until XiaYou running to her and shouted "Shancai YOU ARE BACK AND YOU ARE WEARING DAOMING SI JACKET !!! "

Everyone heard that. Shancai never feels so embarrassed in her life.

Her face so red!

Meanwhile AhSi for some weird reason, enjoy the moment!

Just added to another strange lists things happened tonight.

Shancai tried to meet AhSi eyes, begging him to explain to everyone what had happened. Although he felt it, AhSi trying hard to avoid Shancai's  eyes.

Ximen the birthday's boy walking to them and asking in loud voice,

"What the heck happened to you both, AhSi , Shancai ?"

"AhSi , my brother , you only just met her tonight and couldnt wait to be alone and left my party! What's the urgency?" laughing Ximen. "did you both just eloped together?"

Every boys in the party making a teasing noise and all the girls looking  jealously at Shancai., very intrigued what does Shancai has they haven't.

AhSi pretended to look unbothered , but he failed.

"I, err we just went out to pick Lei, his car broken down" he answered.

"But Lei was here already, half an hour before you two. They came by taxi, so where were you, and what took you both so long?" Teased Ximen smiling.

...and she's wearing your jacket ! Hoho... I think I don't need to know the reason why. AhSi, we were always wonder, we didn't know you had it in you mate, but we are happy for you guys." MeiZuo chipped in insinuating something.

Shancai almost cry, she never used to a tease like that.

XiaYou hugged her and feeling sympathy for her best friend. Taking her away from the crowd to find somewhere to sit at the corner.

AhSi feels terrible but he could not say anything. Telling everyone the true story will even more bizarre, no one will believe him. Just let anyone think whatever they want. Tonight the secret just only belong to me and Shancai. 

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