Before Midnight

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It's almost midnight, no more games playing. Disco lights and the DJ blasting off with some popular musics. Some people and couples really hits the dance floor and dancing the night away.. nobody talking anymore  and hard to have conversation in loud background music like that anyway.

Shancai and XiaYou try to join the crowd, especially when the DJ playing " Can't take my eyes off you". They enjoyed the dance a little bit more but after a few songs they decided to call it a day.  They both walked out of the ballroom to the entrance of the building , XiaYou going to ring her brother to pick them up.

Out of nowhere suddenly AhSi showed up behind them ," are you leaving already?"

Shancai startled.

"Oh it's you AhSi! Hmm yes, my head spinning around and music too loud! I'm not used to it. We are not a party animals". she giggled slightly.

AhSi noticed, she is obviously drunk.

"How you'll get home?" he can't stop himself asking that.

"oh don't worry, I won't trouble the Police anymore! " she laughed.

"XiaYou is calling Lin Zhao to pick us up".

Lin Zhao.

"Who's he?" AhSi asked in Daoming Si tone.

"He is XiaYou's brother".

I see.



None of the them speaking, until XiaYou came and said to Shancai,

"He's coming in 30 minutes, Shancai do you want to get back inside or waiting here?"

Which Shancai replied "Outside, more fresh air! I don't think anyone missing us anyway,".

"Don't you think, you should tell Ximen that you both leaving?" AhSi butting in.

"AhSi, why you here?" asked XiaYou wondered.

"I was needing for fresh air too. Why can't I? " AhSi responded defensively.

"Well, I am not trying being nice, but if you both need warmer and quite place, I know Ximen book the whole top floor, you can go and waiting in one of the room upstairs, I'll ask Ximen". he offered.

" Oh no need, but thanks. My brother won't be long. And we are not cold, aren't we Shancai?" XiaYou trying to reply for both of them.

Shancai hoped AhSi haven't noticed the blue stain on his yellow jacket.

"Not at all, I am not cold and thanks to your jacket, can I ,....hmm can I return it back to you next week?" she asks nervously.

In fact he did, but he didn't give a heck.

The idea about of possibilities for seeing her again it's all that matters.

"Yeah, I guess so. You know where to find me, right?" he answered nonchalantly.

(I'll make sure you do, Shancai)

"I better going back inside!". AhSi walked off.

I suppose it's time for me to get back inside, or else I will make a fool of myself, or even worse she might given my jacket back.

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