𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 10

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"Ooh ~ Joshuji's crush is soooo pretty ~"
Said Jeonghan in his teasing tone

"Omg quit it !"
I hit him lightly

"Okay but, I feel like I've seen her somewhere"
Said Jeonghan

"What do you mean ???"
I asked

"I feel like I've seen her during my highschool year"
Said Jeonghan

"Now that you mentioned it. She does seem familiar"
Said Seungcheol

"Get the yearbook"
Said Jeonghan and Seungcheol went to grab their yearbook from a few years ago

He came back to us with a yearbook from 2013 and Jeonghan opened up a page for the 10th graders. It was basically the first class' pictures

"See I was right ! No wonder why I felt like I've seen her somewhere !"
Exclaimed Jeonghan

"Oh there she is"
Seungcheol pointed at a girl that looks exactly the same as her. What am I kidding, it IS her

"She was really really popular. Sophia Kim was it ?"
Seungcheol turned to Jeonghan

"Yeah. On top of that, she's really smart, and she's really close to Seungkwan and Hansol"
Said Jeonghan

"Well, goodluck Joshuji. From my point of view she's kind of interested in you"
Jeonghan said with a smug face

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now