𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 39

559 19 0


"Oh you guys are here early. Are these your companions ???"
A voice greeted us as he approached us

"Good morning Jihoonie"
Me and Soonyoung greeted him

He greeted us back

"These two are my cousins, Choi Seungcheol and Yoon Jeonghan. They're on the same age as me"
I introduced them to him

Jihoon then looked at Chan

"Chan ??? Is that you ???"
Asked Jihoon

"Jihoon hyung ?"
Said Chan

"Yeah that voice, it's no doubt that you're my cousin"
Jihoon chuckled

"Nice to meet all of you. I am Jihoon, Lee Jihoon"
He introduced himself

"Thought you'd come with Wonu ???"
I asked

"Wonu's coming with his friends remember ??? So I come here by taxi"
Jihoon shrugged

"Ah that makes sense"
I nodded

"Yo hyungdeul !!!"
Mingyu's voice could be heard greeting us as he waved at us from afar

"Oh the tall kid have arrived"
Soonyoung chuckled

I looked at Jeonghan and he seemed to be squinting his eyes to see who is it beside Mingyu

"Something's wrong Jeonghan ah ?"
I asked him

"No, nothing is, but the figure beside him is familiar. Right Cheol, Chan ?"
He asked the two of them and they seemed to identify who it was

Chan asked, surprised

The guy supposedly named Seokmin asked, surprise

"I guess we are suddenly making a reunion for them while we just wanted to introduce each other to our new friends"
I chuckled

The three of them yelled in unison

"Oh, is that you Seokmin ?"
Jihoon looked at him

The guy named Seokmin said in surprise

"Yah, no screaming here. People are looking"
Jihoon chuckled

"Ah ah sorry"
He apologized immediately

"You know Chan and Seokmin Jihoon ?"
Soonyoung asked

"Yeah, they're my cousins"
Said Jihoon calmly

"What are the odds"
Said Mingyu as he was also surprised

"Btw this is Kim Mingyu"
I introduced Mingyu to them

"You can call me Mingyu"
Mingyu said with a smile

"This is Lee Seokmin"
Seungcheol introduced him to us

"You can call me Seokmin !"
He said happily

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