𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 13

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Am I dreaming or....

"You're welcome"
Said the girl as she smiled

"Today's such a busy day for my co-workers huh"
She chuckled as she opened up her laptop

I stuttered

"Sorry if I am disturbing you though"
She said as she laughed softly

"It's alright it's alright ! After all it's oddly full today right ?"
I replied, trying to remain calm

"Haha, yeah. I wonder why a lot of people came by today. I mean there are some times that it's crowded, but not to this extent"
Said the girl as she started on working while waiting for her orders to arrive

"Are you a college student ??? I mean usually highschool student doesn't really use that much of laptops"
I asked, curious about her

"Yeah. My first semester. Pretty much a freshman"
She said, followed by a laugh

"Where do you study at ?"
I asked

"Seoul Women's University"
Said the girl

I wanted to ask her name so badly but I am too shy omg,,,,

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