𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 53

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After all of my class has ended, I went to Daisy's as usual. I was on my way to my usual seat but I saw someone else. Maybe I came a bit late. I was about to sit at another seat, but I took a closer look at the guy who is sitting there

I then realized that it was Joshua. Feeling happy as I am, I immediately went there to greet him

"Hey Shua !!"
I greeted him happily

"Oh hey Soph"
He replied with a smile

I sat down with him

As usual we had a normal conversation. Such as how our day has been going on, how college is today, how classes and all

Just by the sight of him talking to me is making me overly joyful, but I can't brush of the thought of him probably liking another girl. I am not as pretty as other girls...

Joshua is really handsome and he'd probably like another girl. A girl that is not me.

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now