𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 62

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"I have a surprise for you"
Said Joshua as he held out his hand as as offer to follow him

I gladly took his hand. He looked so happy when I did so. He then brought me to a decorated place there. There was a table with candlelight. He brought me to the table and pulled out the chair for me.

I smiled and sat down. Such a gentleman. He then sat down, facing me

"Um, what are we doing here ?"
I asked as I lowkey laughed

"I just wanna have some privacy with you. I mean we barely get to hang out together nowadays so let's at least have some talk"
He requested and I just agreed to do so

We ended up talking A LOT. You can't blame us. We barely had any time because of our assignments and schedules.

Some were normal, some were exciting. It was such a lovely time for the both of us. I enjoyed it

"Sophia can you cover your eyes for a bit ? Promise me not to take a peek okay ?"
He asked

I said as I covered my eyes. Yes I didn't peek since he said I shouldn't do so

"You can open your eyes now"
Said Joshua

I uncovered my eyes to see him holding a box that was covered with a black velvet cover. Just by the look of it, I could tell what he wanted to ask me

"After years have passed, I have come to see it clearly that you are the one for me.... So.... Sophia Kim, will you marry me ?"
He asked and I covered my mouth as I was holding back my tears. I was so happy and I wasn't expecting this day to ever come

"Of course Joshua. I'd love to be your wife"
I said with a smile as my tears of happiness escaped my eyes

He then inserted the ring at my ring finger and hugged me

"I love you"
Said Joshua

I hugged him back as my tears were escaping uncontrollably

"I love you too Joshua"
I said as I tighten the hug between us

Our friends appeared from the bushes and trees as the congratulate the both of us

"You guys planned all of this together ???"
I looked at Joshua and he nodded

I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute the situation is. I am grateful to have all of them by my side...

Thank you god for blessing me with people like them around me. Especially him.

E n d

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now