𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 47

543 21 0


This day is just like any other day. We part ways after 7. I went home, still confused with my feelings. He's just a friend.... Right ?

"What's with that frown on your face Sooyoung ??? It's not usual to see that from you. ESPECIALLY on Monday"
Said Sooyun

"He have a girlfriend ?"
Suddenly Chaewon spoke up

"Not that I recalled... Hoping that he doesn't to be honest..."
I fiddled with my fingers

"Yah, I think you like him. In a crush way. I am not kidding"
Said Sooyun as she eats the snacks that are in her hand

"Why do you think that way ?"
I asked as I tilted my head

"So, were you happy when you see him ?"
Asked Sooyun

"Obviously ??? We're friends"
I said

"If he's late even for 10 minutes, were you upset while thinking that he wouldn't come ?"
She asked

"Um... Yes...?"
I replied hesitantly

"You know Sooyoung, ever since you started meeting up with him, I've noticed that you're getting more happier nowadays"
Said Sooyun

It's normal right ? He's a friend...

"Were your heart beating fast when you see him ?"
Asked Chaewon

When I think about it again, yeah my heart was racing when I see him. When we weren't talking, I have always glance at him to take a quick look at him....

Maybe I really am in love with him ?

"Yeah that answered it. You don't need to deny that you know ? It's normal to fall in love. You're an adult now so you don't have to worry much okay ?"
Said Chaewon with a smile

"I'm proud of you"
Chaewon added

"So if I like him... What should I do..."
I looked down, remembering my highschool day

"Well if you aren't ready, you don't need to tell him first. Wait until you're ready"
Said Chaewon

"I guess... I can do that..."
I sighed

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now