𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 49

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It has been months and I cannot get him off of my mind. Like I keep on thinking about him... Do I really like him that much ? He's a good guy and I don't mind dating him. I trust him just like how I trust the ones that are close to me

Should I tell him that I like him ?

What if he doesn't like me back ?

What if he thinks I am a weirdo ?

What if he friendzoned me ???

All of these are disturbing my mind over and over because I got anxious whenever I think about this. It's just like one of those fears.

"You looked stress. What's on your mind ?"
Sooyun approached me

"It's about Joshua...."
I uttered

"What are you worrying about ? Did he got a girlfriend or something ?"
Sooyun asked as she sat beside me

"No... Not that... Like I am scared to tell him that I like him... What if I get rejected and all... Wouldn't it be weird to confess out of nowhere ??"
I was soooo anxious

"Omg chill Sooyoung. Why not give it a shot ? Getting rejected is normal. What's important is that you need to let him know and to lessen the burden you're carrying within you okay ?"
Said Sooyun as she pats my back trying to calm me down

"But... I am just... Scared. You knew what happened in highschool right...?"
I looked at her

"Sooyoung at that time you were still young. All of us were. You're now an adult. This is your only chance you know ??? What if he likes you too"
She cheered me up

"Besides. Even if you got rejected, I am sure he is still willing to be your friend Sooyoung. Don't stress yourself okay ?"
Said Sooyun as she's trying her best to cheer me up

"I guess so...."
I frowned

"I'll go buy you some desserts. To cheer you up"
Said Sooyun as she stood up

"Wait you don't need to !"
I insisted

"Nah I am buying it. I want to cheer you up"
She chuckled and left the house

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now