𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 28

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Me, Soonyoung and Chan ordered our foods and drinks. While waiting for our orders for our orders, we decided to talk about our lives and other stuffs.

"Btw Soph, why aren't you working today ???"
Joshua asked

"Well, ever since Soonie entered college, we didn't have time to spend with each other. But suddenly he asked if both me and Chan are free for today. I asked my boss if I can have a day off today and she said I could. I didn't wanna let go of this chance"
I explained

"How long have all of you known each other though ???"
Joshua asked

"Basically our whole life"
Said Chan

"Yeah. We've known each other ever since we were toddlers haha"
Said Sophia

"These two are basically my younger siblings at this point"
Soonyoung smiles widely

"Must've been nice huh"
Joshua sighed

"Joshua, I have always seen you coming here alone. Don't you have someone to accompany you ?"
I asked and Soonyoung hit me lightly

"Y-you don't need to answer it if you don't want to though"
I said to him

"Well, I don't really have friends in the university haha. People are probably too scared to befriend me"
Said Joshua as he drank his coffee

"Omg I am so so sorry to ask that question"
I apologized

"No it's alright"
He smiled

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now