𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 32

681 24 1



10.00 p.m

Hey Soph

Wyd ?

Nothing much haha ~

I am with my housemate
right now

One of my close friends


You are living with your
friends ??

All of us have planned
to do this ever since we
were in highschool

I mean it's fun to stay with
your friends after all ~

I am living with my cousins

The two guys that you've seen
me with at Daisy's


Those guys were your
cousins ????

Didn't I tell you ??

I am not sure omg

I don't remember 😭

It's alright it's alright

I am not angry dw

I am really sorry OMG

No no no no it's alright

Anyways wyd ???

Oh, I am by Soonyoung's
house rn

He wanted to hang out
with me so I went by his house

Say hi to him for me !!

Ahahaha alright alright
I will

How did you and Soonyoungie
met ???

Well, back in highschool,
Soonyoung used to be
bullied in school

I felt bad so I stopped the

In order to do so, he would
probably need to be close
to me all of the time

Not that I mind anyways

I didn't have that much of
friends after all

You must've been the well-
known kid in school

You could say that haha

Ever since then, me and
Soonyoung got closer over
the time

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