𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 54

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It was then 6.30 PM. Usually we'd part ways by now... Come on Joshua... Stop being a coward....

I gripped the bouquet of flowers that I hid earlier as I felt all of the anxiety building up inside of me. Anxiety, nervousness, fear.... A lot of these feelings are building up inside of me.

"It's getting late now. Let's head home"
She said with a smile as she was ready to leave

"Sophia wait"
She stopped as she looked at me

"Yes ?"
She replied

"Can we maybe... Talk a bit more...? If... You don't mind"
I smiled at her

"Well I don't have anything better anyways, so why not"
She smiled back and sat down, facing me

It is now or never Hong Jisoo

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now