𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 50

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I frowned at the thought of me confessing to her. I am just.... Nervous.... Even though I've told myself that even being her friend is enough.... I don't think it is.

I really want to be with her. I genuinely love her... Gosh I am having a hard time with all of this. I am still new to this and I don't know why am I hoping for too much.

"Shua are you okay ?"
Seungcheol asked

"Oh uh... Y-yeah..."
I uttered

"Don't lie to me. Shua is there something wrong ??? If there is, you know you can tell me"
Said Seungcheol as he sat down beside me

"Is it about Sophia ??"
Seungcheol asked and I nodded

"What about her ?"
He asked

"I am just.... Scared to confess...."
I fiddled with my fingers

"I know how hard it could be so take your time Shua. You shouldn't push yourself too hard okay ?"
Said Seungcheol as he was reassuring me

"So.... When do you think I should confess....?"
I turned to him

"Whenever you are ready Shua. Just maybe don't bottle it up for too long"
Said Seungcheol as he pats my back gently

I uttered

"You're welcome"
He said with a smile plastered onto his face

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now