𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 20

889 37 0


For today, I am working as a waitress. I worked really hard. Keeping up this smile even though I am tired.

Was it around 5 PM ? I saw Joshua entering the café alone. He sat down at a table beside the see through glass window

I wish I could talk to him but since today's my work day, I can't really pay attention to him. Work is work. Friends are for another time.

It was then he raised up his hand, wanting to order some food and beverage. I looked left and right and it seems like all of the staffs are busy with other customers, so I went up to him

"What would you like to order sir ?"
I asked in a polite manner

"I'd love a hot caramel macchiato and a slice of blueberry cheesecake"
He said with a smile

I wrote it down

"Hot caramel macchiato and a slice of blueberry cheesecake... You got some good taste"
I smiled at him

"Oh and, can I have 3 of the strawberry flavoured macaroons ? Thanks"
He added

"Alright ! Please wait for a while"
I said as I left to the counter to hand in his orders.

I continued on helping others on taking orders from the customers. I then heard the bell rang. A sign for the waiters and the waitresses to bring the finished orders to the customers. I again checked if all of them are busy or not before getting the food and drink

"This is for table 9"
Said my senior co-worker

"Alright !"
I picked up the tray

I've already remembered where the tables are and all, so I don't really have problems to find it. I went straight to table number 9, and it was indeed the stuffs Joshua ordered

I placed it on the table gently as I smiled at him.

"Enjoy your meal sir"
I said to him with a smile

"Thank you. Goodluck on your work"
He replied as he smiled back

I bowed to him before leaving to continue my work

Ah! Love • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now