𝐀𝐡 ! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 17

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Right after all of my classes are settled, I went straight to the café. I greeted all of my co-workers there with a smile. They weren't mad at me for being late, asking for a day off and basically a lot of things.

They've known me for two years and knew that I asked for a day off because of my studies and a lot of other stuffs. Usually during exam week I won't be working here. I usually would stay here to study since it's calming and lovely here.

The aroma of coffee would always calms me down and it's sooooo relaxing. Plus, it's nice to stay here for studying and finishing your given assignments

"You're gonna work hard again eh ?"
One of my seniors asked

"Yup ! Let's give it our all ! Let's make the customers happy !"
I said in excitement

All of them laughed as they were adoring me when I was being all excited like usual. I mean, I love it here. I really do. The staffs here are really really nice and understanding.

I've never regret working here. Tbh when I was still in highschool, I thought this place is going to be a place where I'd work for no longer than 3 months. I was wrong. I ended up working here for years already. Not that I am complaining either.

The staffs here are hella nice and the salary is reasonable too. I have never hated it here. Sure the customers might be rude sometimes, but it doesn't happen much in this café. Daisy's.

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