Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

         My alarm rang out, waking me from my deep sleep. Quickly shutting it off so that it wouldn’t wake my mom, I sat up. I wanted to get in an early morning surf before school. I changed out of my pajamas and into a bikini, packing extra clothes into my bag. Grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter, I rushed out to my Jeep and threw my stuff onto the passenger seat. I tip-toed past my mom’s open bedroom window, to the gate, unlatching it. I grabbed my board from the shed and went back out to my car, accidently hitting the fence as I turned to lock it. Cringing slightly, I paused, waiting to see if I heard my mom getting up. When I heard nothing, I quickly made my way back to my car, putting my board on top and strapping it down. I put my car in neutral and started slowly pushing it out of the driveway. Once I got to the end, I hopped in and started the car, hearing it roar to life. Getting to the stop sign at the end of the street, I turned left towards the beach. I pulled into a parking spot at the beach and looked around. I was the only person here. Hmm, weird, I thought to myself. There were usually people here at this time. Excited to have the ocean all to myself, I hurriedly got out and grabbed my board, leaving everything else there. As I walked down to the water, I looked up at the sky. The sun had risen but was hidden behind some dark clouds, threatening to rain down on me. The waves were a little choppy but nothing I did not mind. I liked the challenge. Knee-deep in water, I put my board in, letting it float briefly before getting on and paddling out. I got out to a good spot and sat there, waiting for a good wave to come. One finally came up and I paddled out, standing up as I rode the wave. A couple of waves later, I sat on my board, just floating. The wind had gotten stronger and there was lightning in the distance. A big wave caught my eye, and I knew that that was the one for me. Getting ready for it, I got in position to stand up, but the wave was too big for me. It came crashing down on top of me, and I got caught up in the current as it rolled back out to sea. Coming back to the surface, I gasped for air until another big wave crashed down, sending me back under. I came back up once more and realized that I was nowhere near where I first started.  Grabbing onto the closest rock, I slowly tried pulling myself out of the water only to be knocked into the sharp rocks by waves. I knew I needed to get out of this storm, but it was too close for me to get back to my car and there were no houses nearby. Moving from rock to rock, I managed to get to a big boulder, hoping it could provide some shelter. Sitting against the base of the big creation, I looked down at my arms, examining the scratches that were now bleeding. A wave crashed against the rocks, spraying me with the cold water. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. I closed my eyes as lightning cracked in the sky, followed shortly by thunder. Counting how long it took the thunder to sound after the lightning, I concluded that the lightning was two and a half miles away. Stupid! I should have known a storm was close when I saw the clouds, I said to myself, wishing I had at least listened to the weather report on the radio. Curling my legs up against my chest, I leaned deeper into the rock, praying for warmth and protection. All of a sudden, I felt as if I was falling. I let out a shriek as I tumbled backward, feeling more rocks scratch up my body. Once I had reached the bottom of the slope and stopped rolling, I sat up, feeling the stinging in my leg. When I looked down at it, I saw a long gash that seemed to bleed slowly. I cringed and looked away. That’s when I noticed where I was. I was in some sort of cave. It was dark; the only thing lighting it was a small hole filled with water. I stared at the water, perplexed. Without realizing what I was doing, I got up and moved closer to it. I didn’t know what was happening; it was as if the water had me in a trance. I got to the edge and got down on my knees, slowly reaching my hand out to touch it. My hand came in contact with the water, and I felt a zap run through my fingers. Quickly retrieving my hand, I stared at it, wiggling my fingers around. They seemed normal, as did the water. Backing a few feet away from the hole, I noticed how warm it was in the cave and how the walls seemed to block out the sounds of the storm outside. Moving over to sit against the wall, I leaned my head back and felt how tired I was. Lying down with my back to the wall, I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over.


Author's Note:

So this is a story that I wrote for my creative writing class during my senior year of high school. It's the first time that I had to make something up all by myself, with nothing to go off of, like with my Hobbit fanfiction (which, if you haven't read, I suggest you do it).

Hope you guys like it! Oh, and by the way, I know nothing about surfing, so if I got something wrong, you know why :)

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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