Chapter 1: The other Gilbert

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" I love you Klaus" I said looking deeply into his eyes, he was the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

He was an original vampire and that meant he was extremely powerful, I could always use someone like that to protect me.

Klaus just looked at me and smiled I backed away from his grip "You don't love me!!" I yelled in his face "we have been together for 2 years and you still don't love me!!" 'Love don't get mad "Klaus said calmly "Don't get mad don't get mad " I yelled again " I have been begging you for ages for you to turn me and you still haven't and now you say you don't love me I am done with you "I screamed in his face. He tried to grab my wrist but I shook him off and ran. Ran as fast as I could to my farri that Klaus brought me for our 3 month anniversary. I am not gonna waste my present I jumped in my black sports car and speed down the streets of new Orleans. I leave the god forsaken town and go into a bar near by.

I ordered the strongest thing they had and cried my eyes out. I was weak back then I needed to change drastically. 3 drinks later I hear steps from someone she ordered a drink i turned my head and saw Rebecca *Klaus sister* me and her never got along she was very pushy and really mean .She sat down next to me she was dressed all in black with her wavy hair to the back of her she always looked flawless I wish I could have that effect on people. "What are you doing here Candice" Rebecca said not really caring "I broke up with Klaus " I said sadly "oh " Rebecca said looking a little bit sad "I need to go to the bathroom" I told Rebecca even though she didn't like me to much and I didn't like her she understood me probably because she struggled with relationships and she always seemed to listen to me. After I finished in the bathroom I came back completely drunk I looked at the seat next to me and Rebecca was gone I looked at my drink and decided not to drink it. I got in my car and my emotions got the better of me I drove so fast And it started going fuzzy I couldn't see properly it all went black and pain took over my body I couldn't feel my legs and my head was bleeding badly. I slowly open my eyes and saw a blond girl on top of me she bit her wrist and shoved it in my mouth I gulped down as much as I could then it all went black.

I woke up in a room it looked a lot like Klaus room I sat up and a massive pain hit my gums I stood up and I heard yelling from downstairs " YOU TURNED HER REBECCA DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" the yelling Continued I walked Towards the dresser at the end of the bed with a mirror above it. I was wearing Rebeccas clothes for some strange reason I have leather black pants with a purple tight singlet and black stilettos my eyes were now a darker green my curves looked perfect my hair was a even darker brown and extremely wavy and volumized I looked incredible if i do say so myself. I really liked the way I looked and I think I am gonna stick to this kind of style i started walking to the door and the yelling got louder I walked down the stairs and saw Klaus threatening Rebecca with the a dagger that doesn't kill an original but freezes them until it gets tugged out of them. Rebecca didn't look fazed by Klaus threats. I walked towards Rebekah and Klaus and both of their jaws dropped "I know right" I said cheerfully I ran up to Rebekah and hugged her I kept saying thank you thank you She pushed me of her and said " No problem but you have another problem" she pointed towards Klaus. He smiled cheekily scanning my body up and down"Get that grin of your face you sick perv" Wow my attitude has changed dramatically he stared at me in shock " now what were you two fighting about" I asked confidently "You have a sister Candice her name is Elena Gilbert she lives in mystic falls and you and her are doppelgangers which is crazy because there is only meant to be one doppelgangers every 500 years its incredible that there is two of you Klaus said harshly "Yeah but you haven't told her the best part" said Rebecca laughing he looked at her with anger " He us---" Rebekah got interrupted "Rebecca your playing with my nerves " he said angrily "TELL ME NOW" I yelled at Klaus and Rebekah. " Your blood is special I can make me more hybrids from you and Elena's blood because your doppelgangers and now that you're a vampire Rebekah interrupts he doesn't need you anymore and he used you for your blood which he didn't get" tears started forming from my eyes I walked up to Klaus and slapped him in the face and snapped his neck he collapsed to the ground. I burst into tears and kicked him in the gut Rebecca grabbed my shoulder "You need to get out of here before he wakes and you need to feed I will distract him go now " I thanked her and ran away in vampire speed my eyes tearing. I was so hungry I needed blood and I need it now I saw my opportunity and I took it. I layed down on the road and waited for a car to come as it did it was a young girl she looked like she was in high school. She came up to me and asked if I was OK she took a closer look at me she was a pretty little blond girl "Elena" she cried OMG she knows Elena I shot up and smiled at her I bit her neck I didn't kill her because I want to find out about my twin sister. After she woke up I compeled The blond girl to tell me about her and about Elena she told me her name was Caroline and told me about Elena and her love life. I hated the sound of her she was sweet and kind and annoying everything I am not but I could use that we look the same to my advantage. I wasn't planning on going to mystic falls just yet thought I told Caroline to forget everything I asked and everything that happened and she left. That was 4 years ago I moved on from Klaus but I had a grudge against him. My time had come to go to mystic falls but first I need to get some supplies!

This is my first chapter of my story I hoped you enjoyed it I wanted to write one for ages so plez like and comment. And thank you for reading xxxx

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