Kiss (Dean X Reader)

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I've known the Winchesters my whole life. My dad and their dad were working together a lot. I was just a year younger than Dean so we used to play family when we were little and our parents were away. I was the mom, Dean was the dad and Sammy was the little baby. I still to this day remember how good he was both with baby Sam and me. Sometimes that I would fall and hurt my knee or elbow he would help me clean and cover my wound.

But when I was 9, our dads took an 7-year break from working together. So the next time I saw Dean, he was almost 18. He had grown up so much and he was so handsome... I barely recognised him and I couldn't take my eyes away from him. Since then we've been working together and now it's just the three of us.

Last week, we were cleared a vamp nest but in the process, Sam almost got killed. A vampire appeared out of nowhere and was ready to attack Dean but Sam got his attention. So instead of Dean, the vampire jumped on Sam almost knocking him out. Now Dean is angry with him and they haven't stopped fighting about it which is stupid.

Dean and I were sitting in the library alone and I was trying to help him understand why Sam did what he did. "Remember that story you told me from when you two were little? That you had dressed up like Superman and Sammy was dressed up like Batman. And then you both jumped off the shed?" I say and he smiles remembering it. "Which caused Sammy to broke his arm and what did you do?" I ask
"I drove him in the ER with my handbars" he says still smiling
"See? You were taking care of him since you were little. So now you can't be mad at him for doing the same thing" I say
"I didn't ask him to!" he yell
"I know and he knows it too. But he wants to help you because you are his brother, his hero. He has been looking up to you since forever, trying to be like his big brother. And now he is trying to make it even. So please go make up, you are both assholes when you're mad" I say and he chuckles
"I will. Thank you" he says and gets up. He kisses my head and goes inside.

'One more argument that I fixed. You're welcome' I think to myself but I know very well that I can fix their problems but not mine. Everytime I've tried to talk to Dean about my feelings for him, I just block. Nothing comes out of my mouth. However, I think that during all those years he has noticed that something is going on but he doesn't want to talk about it. Probably because he is not interested in me. I'm not his type I guess, but I've learnt to live with it even if the feelings become stronger with time.

"(Y/N)?" Sam asks and I turn to look at him
"What do you need?" I ask
"Thank you" he says taking a seat across from me
"For what?" I ask
"You know" he says and I smile looking back at my laptop
"I just did what I've always done with you two" I say and he chuckles
"Well, thank you" he says
"You're welcome".

"Want to go for a drink or more? I could use some" he suggests
"Me too" I say closing my laptop "Let me go change and we can go" I say
"Great, I'll be waiting in the garage" he says and I nod. On the way to my room the door of the bathroom opens and Dean comes out with just a towel around his waist. "Oh sorry" I say trying to take my eyes away from him
"It's ok. Do you need anything?" he asks while laying his back against the doorframe. I couldn't stop looking at him and not get all those nasty ideas.
"I..." I start saying but my brain is not able to form words right now. I clear my throat "Sam and I are gonna go out for drinks. Are you coming?" I ask
"Sure" he says
"Great. I'm gonna go change and come in the garage" I say and I walk away from him quickly.

The drive to the bar was really awkward because I couldn't forget what I've just witnessed. As soon as we arrived at the bar, we sat down and I had a couple of shots. In the first ten minutes, Dean had already found a blonde model to flirt with. I looked at him and then I drank one more shot.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" Sam asks
"He already knows Sam. He knows and chooses to ignore it" I say
"How can you be so sure?" he asks
"Because I am" I say pissed. I take a deep breath and I look at my other full shot glass. "Bobby had convinced to talk to him once..." I say.

I was laying on Bobby's couch while waiting for the boys to come back from their case. I was working on something else and we were gonna meet at Bobby's. "Are you gonna get up from the couch sometime?" Bobby asks
"Do you need me to do something?" I ask
"No--" he says
"Then no. I'm fine" I say.

"You're thinking about Dean? Aw, I'm gonna puke" he says
"No, of course I am not thinking about Dean. Why would I?" I ask
"I'm not stupid you idjit. Dean might not be the sharpest tool but I see it" he says
"I don't know what you're talking about" I say trying to convince him but he knows me better than anyone.
"Since you two were little, I am seeing it every day" he says
"I know, it's stupid. I'm stupid" I say
"Let me tell you something kid..." he says as he sits next to me "... You are punishing yourself for nothing. If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing, even if you're scared that it'll cause problems, even if you're scared that it'll burn your life to the ground... You say it and you say it loud. And then you go from there because if you don't, it might be too late and you'll regret it for the rest of your life. It's better to take the risk than not knowing and wondering" he says looking me in the eyes that at this point were watery
"Thank you" I say and I hug him.
End of flashback

"But then Dean almost died and your dad died. So after Dean's near death experience, I was like 'I'm gonna talk to him before it's too late but after he gets over your dad's death'. But then you died and he made a deal and later he died and came back... And now God... We've fallen into this spiral of pain and death in which my feelings didn't really belong" I say
"No, I agree with Bobby, you should have said something" he says
"No, Sam. It's better this way" I say and I drink my shot
"And for how long do you think you can do this?" he asks
"I don't know" I say looking at Dean and blondie again who were making out now. "I don't know" I repeat as a tear escapes my eye and a sob silent sob escapes my lips. I wipe my tear and I get up. "I'm gonna go home. Goodnight" I say
"Wait, I'm not gonna let you go alone. It's late" he says
"No, stay please. And try maybe to get some fun like your brother. You deserve it" I say and I leave.

The next morning, I woke up but I didn't really want to get out of bed. Last night, I cried myself to sleep and today I was feeling exhausted. I don't even know if the boys came back last night. I could feel that I was stinking from the bar because my clothes are still smelling like cigarettes. So I drag myself to the bathroom and I take a quick shower.

Going back to my room, I heard the door to the bunker open. Before I could go in my room, I met with Dean. "Hey, good morning" he says
"Good morning. How was your night?" I ask
"It was good. What about you?" he asks
"It was great. Are you hungry? Should I go make you some breakfast?" I ask
"No, you don't have to. I'm gonna go make something myself after I take a shower" he says
"No, it's ok. I'm gonna make you something while you are showering" I say
"Ok, thank you" he says and I smile. He goes in the shower and I head to the kitchen.

I cooked him some eggs and bacon really quickly. "(Y/N)?" I hear Dean call as I place his plate on the table
"Kitchen" I yell
"I need your help. What do you think? Green or red shirt?" he says holding them up for me to see. He was wearing just his jeans and a black t-shirt.
"Since when do you care about what you are going to wear?" I ask
"Remember the girl I was with last night? She's gonna be waiting for me in the bar tonight too so we can..." he says and I roll my eyes.

I hit my hand on the table and I keep my gaze away from him "Are you doing this on purpose?" I ask devastated
"What?" he asks
"You keep asking me for dating advice when you know how I feel about you" I say looking at him
"Look, I know that you like me but--" he says but I interrupt him
"No Dean, I liked you when I was 16. Now it's..."
"Woah, no. This is crazy. You can't be in love with someone that you've never been with or that you haven't kissed at least" he says totally believing it. I nod
"You're right" I say and I walk closer to him. I stand on my tip toes and I kiss his lips softly. It was just a slow peck and it seemed like he didn't try to pull away. "You believe me now?" I ask as I pull away. He doesn't answer and just looks at me. A tear escapes my eye and I take a step back. "I'm gonna leave now. I promise to not bother you ever again" I say and I go back to my room to get my things.

I let some tears fall as soon as I got in my room and while I was packing my things. On my way out, I walk pass the kitchen and I see that Dean is still standing at the same place. "The red suits you better than the green" I say pointing at the shirts. I take a deep breath and I make my way to the door.

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