Saving him (Dean X Reader)

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I was sitting in the bunker's library searching for a case when Dean came "(Y/N)!" he yells scaring the crap out of me "Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he says
"It's fine. What happened?" I ask
"I got a case. Wanna join?" he asks
"What about Sam?" I ask
"He is going on another case with Eileen"
"Case or date?" I ask
"I hope both. So, are you coming?" he asks again
"Yes, let's go" I say
"Great, be in the car in 10" he says and I close my laptop. I go to my room, get my bag and meet Dean in the garage.

I ship Saileen so bad, but Sam is afraid to make a move on her. He is scared of his past with women and thinks that Eileen will get hurt eventually. I respect his choice but I won't stop trying to convince him. Dean and I are trolling him over it many times and he always says that it's more possible for us to end up together than him talking to Eileen. But that ain't happening. Dean and I are just friends and it's staying that way.

When we arrived at our destination, we immediately checked in in a motel and went to talk to the victims families.
"So all the victims were drowned in the same pool and all of them were working there. We just find someone who drowned there and we burn the body. Sounds easy" Dean says as we walk back to the car
"Let's hope that it's as easy as it sounds" I say and he nods.

I get in our room first "I'm gonna get a quick shower and start research" I say
"And in the meanwhile I'm gonna get food" he says
"Great" I say and I smile. He smiles too and leaves again. Dean and I were a pretty good team and completed one the other. It was really nice working together.

After my shower, I sat on my bed and took my laptop. I started research and found out something interesting but also disappointing. "I'm back" Dean says as he enters the room showing me the bag with the food
"And I have good news and bad news" I say. He lets the bag on the table and sits next to me on the bed.
"Good news?" he asks
"I found our ghost. Daniel Bolson, local champion at swimming. He was always training in that pool but he wasn't treating the staff with the best way. He was underestimating them and made fun of them all the time. But one morning, three years ago, he was found drowned in the pool. And that last night all the staff - life guards etc - just happened to be out on a dinner" I say and he nods
"Ok. And where is the bad?" he asks
"He was cremated" I say
"Of course he was..." he says and gets up.

"But his trophies are still in the basement of the pool place. Maybe there is some DNA left there?" I ask
"Maybe. How about we go and take care of it around midnight?" he asks
"Sure" I say
"Great. But until then, we eat" he says and I chuckle. I get up and I sit down on the table with him.

"Can I ask you something?" he asks
"Of course" I say
"Do you ever feel tired of all this?" he asks and at first I didn't know what to say
"I... Yeah, there are hard days but we get over them, right?"
"I meant like... After Amara, then Michael and now God, don't you feel like that was enough?" he asks
"No. That's our job. We don't just give up Dean, we don't retire. You taught me that. There are always people that need saving and we are the only ones that can help. We always keep fighting. So if right now you're trying to tell me that you want to take a break, then sure, I get that. But I don't accept the fact that Dean Winchester had had enough" I say and I get up. "You are the strongest person I know Dean and if you had had enough... Then I should have given up already. So please think about it again" I say and he just nods.

At midnight, we were already in the building. We went to check the pool and we saw a female guard there. "Is she one of the people that were supposed to be here that night?" Dean asks
"Yes, Mia Gavin, she is the only female guard in this place for four years now" I say and he nods. We watch her as she gets closer to the water to see something. Bad idea. But before Dean yell at her to stay back, something had already dragged her in the water.

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