In touch (Dean X Reader)

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This should be a simple vampire hunt but it turns out to be a whole nest. Not something I cannot handle but it would be easier if it was just a couple of them. So I got my stuff ready and I headed there.

I parked my car a few blocks down and I went in the abandoned warehouse. It should be empty right now because they are probably out for food. I walked inside and realized that I wasn't alone. I could here someone's steps. I take my blade out and I follow the sound. After a few minutes it stopped but I knew where it was. I get closer to the room and I get ready to fight.

I get in and I get hit on the head causing me to drop my blade. It only made me get a bit dizzy so I immediately fight back. It was a guy. He tried to punch me again but I duck and then punched him in the stomach followed by a kick. I was ready to punch him again but he grabbed my hand and twisted it behind my back. I kicked him between his legs causing him to let go of me. I punched him in the face and manage to make him fall on the floor. I get on top of him and I hold him down. I try to take my blade but he manages to flip us over so now he is on top. "You suckers become stronger, let me guess, more blood more power?" he asks "What?" I ask "Forget it, just hold still for me" he says placing the blade against my neck.

Wait something is off here. He doesn't want to suck my blood? Just kill me? "Wait" I say "What? You have last words" he asks "I'm not a vampire. I'm a hunter and I guess that you are too" "Yeah right" "I'm saying the truth. Look, no more teeth that usual" I say opening my mouth. He pushes my gums and nothing comes out. He gets up and helps me stand up. "That was a close one" I say "Yes, you can go. I'm handling it" "No, I'm handling it" "Look, sweetheart--" "Don't ever again call me sweetheart" I say interrupting him. "I am here to get rid of those and I don't want to have to save your ass when you get in trouble" "And what makes you think that I will need saving and not you?" I say taking a step closer "Because I have killed demons, angels and this is just a routine case".

"You have a pretty big idea of yourself, don't you Winchester?" "I never--" "It wasn't hard to guess. Arrogant, pretty, likes ladies, good fighter, it wasn't hard to guess. Also nice blue steel, you almost had me there" I say and he chuckles "And that brings up the question, who are you?" "(Y/N) Singer. You probably knew my dad" I say and his expression changes. "Ok, until you wrap your little head around it we better go back and come back tomorrow. We are not in shape to fight" I say pointing at the scratches on his face and then at my arm that needed relocation. "Yeah, come with me, you can't drive with only one arm" "Of course I can but I'm not going to risk it" I say and we leave.

We went to our motel and in my room. "Take a seat, I'll be right back" I say and he sits on the bed. I go in the bathroom and I take my first aid kit. I go back to Dean "Let me help you" he says and gets up. He places his hands on my shoulder "On 3. 1.." he says and puts my arm back in it's place. I groan a bit as soundless as I can. "Thanks" I say. I take some alcohol and bandages out of the first aid kit. I put alcohol on the cotton and I bring it close to Dean's face "What are you doing?" he asks "What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to clean your wounds" "I can do this myself" "Shut up" I say and I clean the blood from his face.

"Want a beer?" I ask "Sure" he says and I walk to the fridge. I take two beers out and I had the one to him. "I better go now and let you rest. I'll be waiting for you at 11 pm to leave" "Ok" I say and he leaves.

The next day, I took a quick shower and I went to find Dean. He was waiting outside of my room sitting on his car. She's beautiful, I'm gonna give him that. "Hi. Ready?" he says "Always" I say and I get in the car. He drives to the same place and park close to my car that was still in the same alley. "Listen, when we go in there, I'm in the front, you stay back and you do whatever the hell I tell you, no questions asked, got it?" he says "Can I say something now?" "That's a question" he says and gets out of the car. I roll my eyes and I get out too.

"I'm just letting you know that I'm not good at following directions. I like to do things my way. That's why I always work alone" I say and I walk past him.

"I told you to stay back" he yells at me as we walk out of the warehouse "So? I saved your ass in there" I yell too "If you had stayed back he wouldn't have jumped from the back and almost knocked me out" "Oh yes, because if I would have stayed back he would have knocked ME out and then the other one would have killed you. So a simple thanks would be nice" "Thank you for what? For almost getting both of us killed?" "Killed? I would get us killed or you when you started flirting with blondie in there?" "I wasn't flirting, I was districting her" "Yeah, right. If I hadn't taken her head off you would been bleed out by now" "Of course I wouldn't. I had a plan" "Yeah, to die" I chuckle "What did you say?" "Bye Dean" I say.

I take a step to leave but he grabs my hand and hits my back on his car. "What?" I ask. He immediately crashes his lips on mines. He kissed me rough but so soft too, all at the same time. I kissed him back placing my hands on the back of his neck. His hands were rubbing up and down my sides and his tongue made it's way in my mouth exploring every last inch of it.

His hands made their way inside my t-shirt unclipping my bra. He started massaging my breasts and teasing my nipples with his fingers. He planted kiss from the side of my mouth, to my jawline and eventually to my neck. He sucked on my skin until he finally found my weak spot earnings a quiet moan. I felt his smile on my skin while he kept sucking and massaging my nipples.

I could feel his hard erection through his pants. My hands travel down to his jeans unbuckling them. My hand makes it's way inside them and I wrap my fingers around his cock. I kneel down and I run my hand up and down his hard and long erection. I place small kisses on his tip and then I lick it. Some moans escape his lips. I put his tip inside my mouth and I continue to work the rest of him with my hand. He puts his hand on the back of my head wrapping his fingers around my hair. He pushed his cock deeper and deeper inside my throat until he cum inside of my mouth with a moan of my name.

He picked me up and pinned me against the car again. His lips attached my lips again sending chill allover my spine. He opens the car's door and I slowly lean back. I laid on the back seat and Dean got on top of me. I help him get rid of his jacket and shirt throwing them on the front seats. We both got our t-shirts off throwing them away too and this time he started kissing and sucking on my breasts. I grab myself from his back trying to not let all my moans out. But that thing he did with his tongue and my nipple drove me crazy and caused me to not be able to contain then anymore.

With a quick move he took off my jeans panties and then he completely removed his pants leaving us both completely naked. His lips kissed softly mines again while his hand moved up and down my thigh. He inserted two fingers inside of my already soaked pussy. His perfect motion caused me to moan in his mouth again and again.

"Dean..." I moan "What sweetheart?" he asks "Please..." I say followed by another moan. "Say it" he demands "Fuck... Fuck me Dean" I say and he takes his fingers out. He rubbed his tip against my folds teasing me even more. And then he slammed his whole length inside of me. I let a loud moan of his name escape my lips. He pulls out slamming in again without giving me time to adjust. Each time his cock thrust inside of me, it reached more and more spots I didn't evem think they existed.

"Dean... I'm gonna..." I moan "Me too. Let it go sweetheart" he says and I do. We both cum at the same time with a loud moan of eachother's name. Dean pulls out of me and sits up. I sit up too "Ok, I didn't expect it going this way but I'm not mad at it" I say breathing heavily and I reach for my clothes "Me too. We should keep in touch" he says as we get dressed. "Sure. Give me a call when you are bored" I say handing him one of my FBI cards. "You too" he says doing the same thing.

I get out of the car "It was nice to finally meet you Dean Winchester" I say and I leave moving my hips a bit more than usual. I get inside my car and I save his phone number in my phone because I'm probably going to lose this card.
Emergency contact: Booty call

Dean's POV
I see her as she walks away. Wow, that sweet ass of hers. I close my eyes "Sorry Bobby" I whisper and I go to the driver's seat.

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