Fanfiction - Part 3 (Dean X Reader)

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A/N: Look at the gif. She did Jensen's lip thing. My heart is complete🥰


I open my eyes immediately when I gained consciousness. I look around and I recognise the bright white room. I'm pretty sure that I'm in heaven but how and why? And where is Dean?

And then Michael walks inside the room. He was still in Adam's body "(Y/N), it's nice to finally see you. Look how much you've grown" he says smiling
"What happened back then?" I ask
"I wanted to finally meet you so I brought you here" he says
"You could just call or meet me without knocking me out" I say
"I know but I wanted to be just us without distractions" he says and I chuckle.

"Really? Because from what I've heard, you left me to learn my powers first and then you'd come to meet me, if I ever did"
"I know that we didn't start very well but--" he says but I stop him
"I think I'm gonna go now" I say and I stand up
"No, you won't" he says and stops me
"Why?" I ask
"Because I have Dean Winchester locked in the room right across with an angel who waiting for my signal to let him free or stab him" he says and I'm sure that my heart skipped a beat that moment.

"I'm listening, what do you want from me?" I ask
"To know you. I send you to that world because I wanted you to have a connection with your world even if it was through a TV. But I didn't get a chance to know you" he says
"Well, I've lived the first 18 years of my life in foster care and the following 8 babysitting until you decided to bring me here. Can I go now?" I ask and I stand up again but he stops me again.
"(Y/N)..." he says
"Oh, and I always was the girl that kicked everyone's ass" I say and I punch him in the face. He follows on the ground unconscious "Wow.." I whisper to myself. I grab the angel blade from his jacket and I go to find Dean.

I take a deep breath and I open the door. "(Y/N)?" Dean says immediately. But when I saw the angel that was keeping an eye on him, I was kinda shocked to be honest but I tried to play it cool. "Anael! You can go. I got him" I say spinning the angel blade I had in my hand but she chuckles ironically
"Listen, girl, I don't take orders from you" she says
"Oh I think you do because see... I'm not afraid of you, like the other angels here are. And I know what my dad doesn't know about you" I say
"Really?" she asks ironically
"Oh yes. For example I know that you've been working with demons for quite some time now. Demons like Ruby or the ones that helped you set a trap for Sam and Dean when they came to you looking for the Occultum" I say in full confidence
"How do you know about that?" she asks "I have my sources too. So now you either go or I tell my dad everything and you end up in heaven's prison or in the empty. Depends on his mood" I continue. She forces herself to nod and walks to the door.

I run to Dean who was cuffed to the wall and I try to pick the lock
"Ok... that was weird" I whisper to myself
"What?" Dean asks
"Because you and her... Nothing, forget it" I say
"Are you ok?" he asks me
"I'm fine but we should be fast" I say. We get out of the room and we turn left to the big white hallway. "Cas had said to Bobby that the door to heaven was the door with the number 42 when they were trying to get Metatron and information about removing the mark of Cain from you" I say quickly. I look at him and he just stares at me with the look that has million questions. "Spoiler alert" I say and he nods skipping it.

I open door 42 and bring light appeals. "Let's go" Dean says and takes my hand. I nod and we walk out of that door together. We land on the ground in the familiar playground.
"Not so fast" Michael says throwing us away. "(Y/N), go back in heaven now" he says
"Sorry but you lost the right and age that you could be bossing me around" I say. He walks to Dean and grabs him be his throat choking him.

"Heaven, now!" he orders
"No" I say lighting up my eyes. At least, I know how to do that. "But, you know what? It's not worth it" I say turning my eyes back to normal
"What?" both Dean and Michael asks
"Are you really gonna kill Dean Winchester? Your sword? Your perfect vessel? Are you sure you want to do that?" I ask but he doesn't answer. "So you let him and I go" he says
"Or?" he asks "You don't know how to use your powers" he says letting Dean fall on the ground.

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