Memory (Dean X Reader)

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Based on the episode 'Regarding Dean' with a few changes of course

I was working on cleaning a vamp nest and it took me more time than I thought. So I couldn't be home in time to join Sam and Dean on their witch case. Yes, Dean and I have been together for over 3 years now but that doesn't mean that we have to work every case together. It's good to have a solo once in a while. But last night I finally finished my case so I thought that it was a good idea to surprise the boys. They were working a case on a town that was on my way back to the bunker anyway so why not stop there and help, right? Dean had already told me where they checked in and the room number when we talked last night.

I knock on their door and almost immediately Dean opens. "Hi!" I say and I kiss him. He seemed like I caught him off guard with the kiss
"Oh hi, what..." he asks
"Oh (Y/N), what are you doing here?" Sam asks as he rushes to the door
"I was done with the vampire nest so I thought I'd stop here before going home" I say
"Wait, now vampires are real?" Dean asks and I look at him trying to process what he had just asked.

"We should talk (Y/N)" Sam says letting me in the room. "Dean, why don't you sit and watch some TV?" he says sitting him down and giving him the remote
"What is happening?" I ask pointing at Dean and then I notice all the sticky notes that where everywhere in the room
"There was a witch last night. Dean shot him but before he died, I think that he put a spell on him and since then he started to forget things. Luckily, he still remembers me but it's getting worse. I called Rowena and she's on her way" he says
"But he forgot me already..." I say
"Dean?" Sam asks and Dean looks at us "Do you know who she is?" he asks him
"No. But she's really pretty" Dean says.
"I need to get some air" I say and I go to the door.

But as I open it I come face to face with Rowena. "Oh hello dear, I didn't expect you to be here" she says
"Hello to you too" I say letting her in and I go back in with her. She starts to examine Dean.
"Your hair... It's all so bouncy" he says in an adorable tone
"Well, thank you. Do I have to fix him?" she asks looking at me and Sam
"Rowena!" we both say and she looks back at Dean disappointed.

"If we want to cure Dean, we need to find their powerful spell book" she says
"Can't you cure him?" I ask
"Of course I could but witchcraft this complex would take time, even for me. Time that Dean doesn't have. He has already started to forget himself, everyone he has ever known, everyone he has ever loved..." she says and I look at him. I don't even want to think about what is gonna happen if he forgets everything and everyone. "Soon he'll forget how to walk, how to swallow, breath and then... Dean Winchester is going to die" she says
"Sucks for that guy" Dean says. Tears had already started forming in my eyes.

"I will go talk to him, you don't have to come (Y/N)" Sam says
"Thank you" I say standing up. "I'll be back in a few minutes" I continue and I leave. As soon as I closed the door tears had already started rolling down my cheeks. This is even worse than watching him die... Because I've seen him die before but watching him become not him is far worse.

When I returned to the motel, Sam was getting ready to leave. "I'm going after the witches. You stay here keep an eye on Rowena and Dean" he says
"Are you sure you don't need help?" I ask
"Yeah, I'll be fine. You be patient with Dean if you can" he says and I nod
"We'll be fine. Come back" I say and I hug him
"I will" he says and leaves.

"What will we do now?" Rowena asks
"Shut up" I say. I take a deep breath and I go to sit on the bed next to Dean. "Hey" I say softly
"Hi" he says
"Did you talk with Sam?" I ask and he nods
"He just told me my whole life story and I can't even remember it. And I'm really sorry that I don't remember you" he says
"It's ok, you'll do when Sam comes back with the book" I say taking his hand.

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