Fanfiction - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

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Dean and I spent all night talking about random things and comparing the two worlds. I've read so much fanfiction and imagined him so many times but reality was so much better. He is sitting right next to me on the same bed and he is talking to me. His scent is in my every breath and I can't get enough of it.

After many shots Dean started to get buzzed which, honestly, I wasn't sure if he could do anymore. "I better go to bed" he says
"Yeah, goodnight and thank you. I really needed it" I say and he smiles
"You're welcome" he says and leaves my room. I take a deep breath and I lay back on the bed. At least I can still sleep, right?

It turns out that after a few hours of trying, I did fall asleep. But I also woke up early in the morning because, I guess, I don't need much sleep now. So I decided to make breakfast for the boys. I made a healthy breakfast for Sam and a carbs breakfast for Dean. I was frying the last pieces of bacon for Dean when Sam entered the kitchen. "Good morning" he says
"Good morning. Your breakfast is ready" I say pointing at his plate "I know that you like healthy so I made you two avocado toasts with boiled eggs and a mocha banana protein smoothie. I hope you like it" I say
"Wow, thank you" he says as he sits down
"You're welcome" I say.

I put the bacon on Dean's plate, next to his eggs and I pour some hot coffee in his cup. Dean comes in the kitchen too "Good morning" he says
"Good morning. You're right on time" I say placing his plate on the table
"Oh wow. Cas should have definitely brought you sooner" he says and I chuckle. "Thank you" he says and wraps his arm around my shoulders bringing me close to him. It was just a quick side hug but I was already freaking out and at the same time melting.

"Sam! Dean! (Y/N)!" Cas calls for us. He always has the worst timing, doesn't he? He finds us in the kitchen
"Morning sunshine" Dean says to him
"Good morning. (Y/N), are you ready?" Cas asks me
"I... I guess" I say hesitating a bit
"You don't have to be afraid. You don't need to prove anything to anyone and we don't have to hurry. You just need to learn to control your powers so there aren't gonna be any accidents like yesterday" he says
"Ok" I say and I follow him to the library.

But on the way, we meet Jack. "Hello (Y/N)" he says
"Hi Jack" I say
"I didn't see you yesterday" he says
"Yeah, I spent most of the day in my room, processing" I say and he nods smiling.
"Jack is here if you have any questions" Cas says "Let's go" he continues and I nod. I follow him and he leads me to the table on which was only a pencil. I'm Jack 2.0, here we go again.

I spend all day sitting down and looking at the pencil trying to figure out how to move it. It seemed easier when Jack did it but this is so frustrating. It's been ten hours now that Cas and I are sitting across from eachother waiting for something to happen but I was concentrating more and more on the pencil and nothing happened. "I'm done" I say standing up
"(Y/N), wait--" Cas says
"No, I'm done Castiel. Goodnight" I say leaving the library pissed.

Three weeks later and I'm sitting in my room and I'm still looking at that damn pencil all day, every day. But I can't move it or anything else. Thankfully I haven't had another accident but I also didn't do anything. Cas is waiting for me to find the way but I can't. I don't have his patience. I usually have limited to no patience and this is driving me crazy. Sam and Dean had tried to check me a few times but I kick them out quickly because I'm too pissed to have a conversation.

Someone opens the door and causes me to look away from the pencil. It's Dean. "I'm fine, you can go" I say
"No, come on, we are going out" he says
"No, I just need to do this as soon as possible. I don't need you to waste time" I say
"First of all, ouch. Second, come take some fresh air, it will clear your mind and help you concentrate better later" he says. I take a deep breath and I look at him
"Fine" I say. He escorts me to the garage and it's the first time I see Baby in person.

"Oh my..." I whisper
"She's freshly cleaned and ready to go. So what do you say? Are you in?" he asks
"Yes!" I say excited. I walk to the car and I run my fingers softly on the shiny black hood. "Wow, she's even more beautiful in person" I say. Dean opens the door for me
"Miss?" he says taking a step back and letting me get it the car
"Thank you" I say as I sit in the passenger's seat. He closes the door and gets in from his side. I look at the backseat and I bite my lip. So many fantasies on that backseat.
"Everything ok?" Dean asks causing me to snap out of my thoughts
"Yes" I say immediately and he starts driving.

The drive was silent and I let the cold air hit my face clearing my thoughts. But for a few days now I've had a question that I didn't get the opportunity to ask Cas. "Dean, can I ask you something?" I ask hesitating a bit
"Of course" he answers
"Did Cas maybe mentioned to you why they brought me back in this world? Why after 26 years? To sit in a room all day and night, looking at a freaking pencil?" I ask
"He did mention something. Michael is the one who brought you here because now things are different after what happened with Chuck and left you with Cas until you learn how to use your powers, like Jack" he says
"So my real dad brought me here but doesn't want to do anything with me until I control my powers? Because that's what I'm getting from what you said" I say but he doesn't answer. "So I got abandoned, again" I say looking down at my hands trying to hide my teary eyes.

Dean parks the car at the side of the road and turns to me. "Hey, hey" he says softly and takes my hand "Of course you didn't get abandoned (Y/N)" he says but I shake my head
"No Dean, you don't know how it feels. All my life I thought that my parents didn't want me so they abandoned me when I was two days in foster care. Everytime I would go to a new family, I would never fit in so they'd return me like I was a defective product. I changed six families in total. And when Cas said that I have been left there because they wanted to keep me safe, I felt that I was finally even a bit wanted. And now... *sob* Maybe, after all, I am defective" I say and a couple of tears roll down my cheeks.

"Please look at me (Y/N)" Dean says. I wipe my tears and I look at him. "Don't ever again say that you are defective. Whoever thought of that is a complete idiot" he says
"No Dean. Look at me, I failed as a normal human and I'm already failing again as a nephilim" I say and one more tear escapes my eye. He cups my cheek and wipes my tear.
"You didn't fail anyone. (Y/N), you've been locked inside your room, all alone, for three weeks now trying to figure out how to move a pencil and you didn't give up. If I were you, I would have broken it in the first day" he says
"Oh I'm sure" I say and he chuckles.
"So I don't care if you can move a freaking pencil or not. I will always be there when you need me. You are not alone anymore. I'm with you" he says.

"Are you really?" I ask as more tears make their way down my cheeks. Dean wipes them quickly
"Yes" he says rubbing my cheeks "You are amazing (Y/N). And you are perfect" he continues
"Ok, now you're lying" I say
"I'm not lying. I mean it. And I also mean this..." he says and crashes his lips on mines. Immediately I had a strange feeling in my chest and the air got knocked out of my lungs. His lips are as soft and smooth as they look. It took me a minute to realize that what is happening is real and not another dream of mine.

He pulls away and looks me in the eyes. "I meant everything" he says. I bite my lip and I can tell that I'm blushing. I look down to hide it but Dean lifts my head again. Those eyes...
"Did I mention that I've always been a Dean girl?" I ask. He smiles and blushes. I cup his face and I kiss him this time. He kisses me back immediately placing his hands on my waist.

His tongue licks my lower lip asking me for permission. I was ready to give it to him but I started hearing a familiar buzz. I pull away and I get out of the car. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean t--" Dean says immediately
"No, it wasn't your fault" I say "Do you hear that?" I ask
"Hear what? Angel radio?" he asks
"I--" I was ready to talk but the voices became louder. I fall on my knees holding my head and Dean rushes to me. This time could feel that my eyes glow and I confirmed it by Dean's facial expression. Then the voices became even louder and I started to get dizzy until I eventually fell on the ground and everything went black.

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