Kiss - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

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I drove until I got out of the state and then checked in in the first motel I saw. I threw my bags on the floor and left again heading to a bar or a liquor store. Whatever I find first.

Five days later, I woke up in a different bed with an unknown guy again. It's the fourth time this week because I black out and then I have no idea where I am. But I've gotten used to it already. I'm a slut, I know but I don't really care. Drowning my pain with alcohol and sex works, mostly. But trying to fill Dean's place is not gonna happen and I'm still trying to accept it, that's the worst part of the pain actually.

I take a deep breath and I sit up straight on the bed. I reach to the floor and I take my clothes. I start getting dressed but he - whoever he is - turns towards me and wraps his arm around me. I take his hand and I 'give it back' to him. I get up and put my pants on. "Good morning. Leaving already?" he asks. I turn and I look at him. He was pretty but not like Dean...
"Yes, I need to go" I say
"Stay, I'm gonna go make breakfast" he says
"No. Bye" I say and I leave the room.
"Wait, take this..." he says handing me a piece of paper with his number "... in case you're free later" he continues.
"Ok. Bye" I say and I leave. I throw the piece of paper in the first trashcan I passed and kept going back to my motel.

I get in my room and I grab the half-empty bottle of scotch I had left on the table yesterday before I headed to the bar. I take a big sip and I go to the bathroom. "Hi (Y/N)" I hear and I turn around
"Hi Chuck. How are you?" I ask
"I'm great. You on the other hand..." he says looking at me head to toe
"Yeah... Anyway, what are you doing here? Don't you have worlds to destroy?" I ask and he chuckles
"I was busy but then I found out about your divorce with the Winchesters" he says.

"So you're here because? You want to off me? Go ahead" I say
"No, I won't kill you. Yet. But I need your help. Billie and the Empty informed me that Jack is still dead, in the empty..." yeah, keep telling yourself that "...but the Winchesters have been somewhat quite lately which means that they're planning something" he says
"I am not helping you with anything" I say
"What are they planning (Y/N)?" he asks
"I'm not telling you anything. There is no way I'm gonna let you hurt them" I say
"Well, they didn't seem to care that much about hurting you right? I mean Dean knew that you had feelings for him for so long but he kept flirting in front of you and Sam... He wouldn't risk his life or his brother to save you" he says
"Good for them" I say trying to seem strong.

"Tell me what they are doing (Y/N) and I'll let you live" he says and I chuckle
"Great argument" I say laughing "Kill me Chuck. Pull me out of my misery" I say. He smiles
"No. I'm not gonna kill you because this 'life' is worse than killing you. I mean look at you, you're nothing. Just a hurt pathetic little slut that has no other interests than alcohol and sex. A useless whore that is sleeping around because she is trying to get the attention she didn't get from her own parents and her longtime crush who didn't even care about her feelings. Am I wrong?" he asks still smiling.

"I used to believe in you. I used to pray for help to you. But right now I can say that we are pretty much the same" I say and the smile falls from his face "The difference is that you created all these universes but you still didn't find the attention you wanted. Am I wrong?" I ask. He throws me away and pins me on the wall.
"I'll make sure you watch your beloved Dean and Sam die slowly before I kill you" he says
"I can't wait" I say and I smile. He disappears and I fall on the floor. I stand up and I go to the bathroom.

While the warm water from the shower head was falling on my skin, Chuck's words came back in my mind. 'Look at you, you're nothing. Just a hurt pathetic little slut that has no other interests than alcohol and sex. A useless whore that is sleeping around because she is trying to get the attention she didn't get from her own parents and her longtime crush who didn't even care about her feelings'. He is not wrong. Maybe the reason why I thought I liked Dean is because he gave me some attention. However the separation hurts but it'll be over.

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