Sister (Dean X Reader)

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"Babe? Ready to go?" Dean asks "Yeap, let's go" I say and we go to the garage. "Why don't you come with me?" he asks "Because I have my own car" I say and he shakes his head. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me softly. "Time to go love birds" Michaela says as she comes to the garage. "Always..."I frown and she chuckles. "Let's go" Dean says "Isn't Sam coming?" I ask "No, he isn't feeling good" Dean says and I nod getting in my car.

Dean and I had a similar story. We were the older ones and we had to take care of the little at any cost. He had to protect Sam and I had to protect Michaela. We can understand what the other one is feeling and thinking without talking at all. That's what brought us close at the beginning. We have been through many deaths together. We lost family, friends and even eachother. Those two died and came back many times. But I can't decide what is worse, losing him or losing Sam and seeing him suffer?

"(Y/N), watch out" Dean yells but by the time I turned Michaela jumped in front of me. The vampire stabbed her in chest and I catch her before she falls on the floor. Dean runs and cuts the head of the vampire.

"Hey, hey, hey, Michaela, I'm right here, I'm right here sis" I say trying to keep her awake "Thank you" she whispers "What?" I ask "Thank you (Y/N). ‌You sacrificed so much for me. You've been a mother and a father to me. And I know that it wasn't fair but thank you for doing that. I'll be thankful to you forever because you did an awesome job" she says "No, I didn't. I should have protected you" I say and she shakes her head "No. It's ok. I made a choice and I'm fine with it. You deserve to have your life back" she says. I wanted to cry but I also wanted to stay strong for her. So I kept the tears back. "I love you" I say
"I love you too. I'll say hi to mom and dad from you" she says "No, no, no, Michaela? Michael?" I say shaking her but she doesn't respond.

I hug her lifeless body and I cry. "(Y/N)--" Dean says as he kneels down next to me "Don't. Please don't" I say and he nods.

Me and Dean were standing and looking at the fire. I was still trying to be strong and not cry. But the tears were there, fighting to fall. Dean noticed and took a step closer to me. He places his hand on my back and rubs softly to comfort me. And he did. I started to relax which allowed a tear to fall. I jerk away from him and I go back to my car. I take a deep breath and I turn on the engine.

Dean's POV
I walked down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. That's were I found Sammy. "How is she?" I ask "What?" he asks not understanding what I'm talking about "(Y/N), how is she?" "Isn't she supposed to be with you?" "No, she left after Michaela's funeral" I say and he freezes. "Michaela's funeral?" he asks "Yeah, didn't (Y/N) tell you?" "No, she hasn't returned yet" "Crap" I say and I run to the car. "Dean wait, what happened?" Sam asks "Michaela died and we did the funeral and (Y/N) left. I thought she was coming back here but I'm pretty sure she's going to do something stupid" I say "You go, I'll track her phone and I'll send you the location" Sam says. I nod and I run to the car.

As soon as I arrived I saw (Y/N) burying the little box in the middle of the crossroads. "(Y/N), stop" I yell and I run to her "Leave Dean" she says and buries the little box.

Your POV
"(Y/N)" Dean yells and I turn to look at him "Dean, I had one job and I screwed it up" I say as I stand up "Hey, I'm not gonna let you go to hell" he says and walks closer to me "Yes you are" I yell "You did the exact same thing for Sam, remember?" "This was different" "Why? Because you love your brother more than I loved my sister?" I yell angry "If you don't get in the car, I'm gonna make you to" he says but I ignore him. I turn around "Demon esto s-" I start to call for the demon but Dean picks me up by wrapping his arms around my waist and drags me to the car "No, no, let me go" I yell but he ignores me.

He places me on the back seat and locks the door. He runs to the driver's seat and starts driving. I frown and lay my head against the window. "If you need to take some air, tell me to stop, ok?" he asks and I nod without looking at him. "I taught her everything she knew. I was responsible for her. I had to protect her. And I failed, like I always do" I say and I wipe a tear that escaped my eye "Trust me, I know how it feels" Dean says and I nod.

One more tear rolled down my cheek and this time sobs started to make their way out of my mouth. And a silent sob made it. But Dean saw that through the review mirror and stopped the car at the side of the road. "I'm fine, just drive" I say "No, get out" he says and I do. He takes two beers out of the mini fridge and opens them. He hands one to me "Thanks" I say as I sit on the hood of the car. He sits next to me and we both take a sip. He wraps his arm around me.

I look at the ground and I take a deep breath "It's ok to cry. I'm here" he says "Dean, I failed her. And not only her but my dad and my mom too" I say "No, (Y/N). You didn't fail anyone. It isn't your fault. Michaela knew what she was doing when she jump in the middle" he says.

I shake my head and I get up. I get my bag from his car and I walk away. "Where are you going?" Dean asks "I'm leaving" I say and I continue to walk. He grabs my arm and stops me "Hey, don't you dare to think about checking out" he says pissed but hurt too "I don't want to do this anymore Dean. I can't do this anymore" I say still trying not to break down.

"So this is it? You are just gonna give up?" he asks still pissed "I'm tired Dean. I'm tired of this life, of this job, everything" "I know that right now it feels like you can't do this anymore but you don't stop being a soldier because you got wounded to a battle, right?" he asks and takes a step closer to me "I didn't just got wounded Dean. I lost everything" "Everything? Really? What about me?" he asks and I roll my eyes "You know what I meant and I bet you remember how you were when Sam died. You didn't give a damn about me until he came back" "I know and I'm sorry. But don't do the same mistake as me" "Let's be real Dean. You were feeling better when I wasn't there. So it seems like you are better without me. You and Sam don't need me" I say and I turn to leave but he stops me again.

"You seriously think that? Because none of it... None of it's true. Listen to me (Y/N), you're family and we don't leave family behind, remember? And I love you too much to let you go. I can't do it without you. We need you. I need you. And I need you to see that. I'm begging you" he says. Looking in his eyes, I could see how hurt he is. He is really begging me to stay. "I don't know if I can get through this Dean" I say. His eyes got softer and he got closer to me. He hugs me bringing me close to him "You can do this and you will do this. You're gonna be alright" he whispers and kisses my head.

"She's dead Dean. My sister is dead" I say and I finally let it all out. He lets me cry in his chest and rubs my back "I know babygirl" he whispers and kisses my head again. "She is my sister and my best fucking friend and she's gone" I say crying. "I'm sorry baby. I wish you didn't have to go through this" he says rubbing my back and holding me tight.

When I started to calm down, Dean pulled away slightly. He cups my cheeks "Should we go home now?" he asks and I nod. "Please don't ever leave me. I know it sounds pathetic but I can't lose you too. Again. Especially now" I say and he hugs me again. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving you" he says and I nod "Thank you" I say with a sob. He rubs my back "I'm not leaving you ever" he whispers.

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