Fanfiction (Dean X Reader)

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A/N: This is a fanfiction. It may look like a real life story at first but it's a fanfiction imagine, I promise 😂
Also I'm writing this before the filming of Supernatural ends and before the finale so I'm just saying general things about the end that serve the storyline.


I love Supernatural. I'm a huge fan of the show and I've spent so many hours watching it that I think I know everything about it by now. I'm basically a hunter now, in theory. I love all the characters but I've been a Dean girl from the beginning.
'Easy tiger'. That line was enough to make me fall in love with him. He might be stubborn and become a douch sometimes because he doesn't want to show that he has emotions but I still love him. And when he does show his emotions... Basically when he smiles I smile with him, when he cries I cry with him and when he dies I cry again.

I've been in and out of foster homes basically all my life. Supernatural and Jared, Jensen and Misha have been my company all along. When I turned 18, I left foster care and I started working as a full-time babysitter for a doctors' couple. They are both working many hours, both carrier's people, so I stay in their big mansion with them babysitting their two kids. They are not paying me much but since they let me live with them, my payment is more than satisfying.

I've been with them since their first child was born 8 years ago and, honestly, I've been a mother to both of them more than their biological one. The truth is that I never understood why they chose to have kids since they don't have time to give them. At least they didn't end up like me, right? They have money and can have everything they ask for. Not that bad, I guess.

Last night, I was incharge of the kids so I was making dinner. But I got a sudden and very intense headache that caused me to almost faint in front of the kids. It was only for a moment though and stopped. But this morning I woke up with a buzz inside my head. It wasn't loud but it was loud enough to be annoying.

For one second to the other the buzz became very loud causing me to scream. I put my hands on each side of my head trying to make it stop but I started seeing dark spots. Soon I start falling on the ground and I got sucked in the darkness.

I was trying to come back and I could feel that I'm on a bed. It's quite so I must be alone in the room. I open my eyes and I take a look around. The room wasn't mine but it seemed really familiar. The walls were grey expect one of them who had a brick pattern. I sit up straight and I look at the light brown wooden furniture that seemed also really familiar. I finally look at the door and it finally hits me. On the door was the Men of Letters' sign. "What the..." I whisper to myself. The door opens and I freeze as I see who's behind. I gasp looking at the green-eyed Greek God that was standing by the doorframe.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" he asks
"I... I don't know" I say still shocked. "What is happening?" I ask
"Yeah, that's complicated" he says
"First of all, I'm Dean" he says walking to me
"Yeah right" I say and I chuckle. "Even if this is real... You're not Dean. Dean is a factional character and before you say anything, yes, you can be in love with a factional character, but you're Jensen Ackles. Oh God..." I say and he rolls his eyes
"Did you had to be from that world? Let me guess, mine and my brother's life is a TV show" he asks
"Yes, I guess. What is going on here? How did I end up here? How did I end up in Vancouver?" I ask
"What? No, you're in Kansas" he says
"Yeah right" I say ironically and I get up from the bed "This is just the set. This is probably a fake prop..." I say pointing at the gun in his pocket "... and this wall is a wooden set" I say and I hit the wall. But it didn't sound like wood. It sounded like a hard brick wall. That's when I started to freak out. "That's not wood. What the hell is happening?" I ask fully freaking out now.

"Ok, calm down, breath, breath" he says helping me sit on the bed. "Breat, in... and out. That's it" he says trying to calm me down. "Listen to me, I'm gonna explain everything to you when Cas is back because he didn't say much, ok? You probably already know who Cas is, right?" he asks softly and I nod. "Great" he says and smiles.
"So you're Dean Winchester" I say trying to realize it
"Yes (Y/N)" he says
"And you also know my name?" I ask
"Yes, Cas told us when he brought you here. He also said that you might have a headache when you wake up" he says
"Trust me, the last thing I am thinking about now it's the headache. Wow..." I say and he chuckles. Gosh, he is even more handsome in person. I look directly inside his beautiful green eyes and I bit my lip. Those eyes... He licks his lips. I guess that's not just a Jensen's thing.

"Dean..." we both hear Cas' voice and then we turn to look at him
"Cas, where the hell have you been?" Dean asks immediately and inside of me I'm fangirling so bad right now but I'm doing my best to hide it
"(Y/N), you're awake, good. We need to talk" he says. Dean and I follow Cas to the library.
"Wow..." I say looking at the huge library in front of my
"I know, it's huge right?" Sam asks as he comes in the library
"I bet that's the first time you say that Sammy" Dean says and I chuckle. "Come on (Y/N)" he says and pulls out a chair for me
"Thank you" I say as I sit down.

"(Y/N), you're a nephilim" Cas says
"Yeah, right" I say ironically
"Your father was the Archangel Michael. When he found out that your mother was expecting his child he made sure to hide you so God or anyone else would not find out about you. The world that you spend the first 26 years of your life until now has no powers so you would have a normal life without anyone hunting you down" Cas says
"Wait, when Jack was born, he was already an adult. At least on the outside" Dean says
"Like I said, in her world there are no supernatural powers or creatures" Cas says
"Just a supernatural show with two clowns clown who wear makeup playing us" Dean says
"You know that we look exactly the same" Sam says
"Shut up" Dean answers.

"(Y/N)?" Sam asks
"I just need to process what I've just heard. But are you sure that you got the right person because... I mean, I broke my hand two times when I was little and each time it hurt like hell and I've never did anything close to what Jack can do" I say
"Yes (Y/N). You are the right person" Cas says.
"No, this is... This is crazy. This is probably just a dream. I will wake up soon. This can't be real. So I'm just gonna leave" I say walking to the door
"No, (Y/N), wait" Cas says following me and eventually he grabs my arm
"No" I say louder and he gets thrown on the wall. "Oh my God, I did that? I'm so sorry" I say running to him. The boys rush to his side too but Cas stands up and seems fine.

"I'm ok. But you need to learn how to control your powers" Cas says
"I'll do my best. I promise" I say and he nods. "We should start now" Cas says
"Wait, Cas. Maybe she needs a moment to process" Sam says
"Actually, I need more than just a moment to process" I say
"Ok, I'll be back tomorrow" he says and disappears.

"If you need anything--" Sam starts to say
"I need. I need something to drink" I say
"I got you" Dean says and pulls out a bottle from the drawer
"Thank you. I'll see you later boys" I say and I go back to my room.

A few hours later, there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I say and Dean opens the door
"How are you feeling?" he asks
"Well, I miss getting drunk" I say showing him the empty liquor bottle and he chuckles
"I brought more" he says showing another full bottle and two glasses
"Then come in" I say and he does. "Gosh... This is so weird. I've been so used to seeing you almost everyday in a screen but now it's real and I think that the fangirl in me will start talking any moment now" I say and he chuckles.

"How much of a fangirl?" he asks
"You have no idea. I've watched all 15 seasons almost three times. I'm weird I know but watching the show made me feel less lonely. I've spent the first 18 years of my life in foster homes so when I discovered the show, when I was 14, you, Sam, Cas, Jack, Crowley and everyone else... all of you were and still are my company even though you didn't know it" I say. He looks down and pours drink in both glasses.

"Anyway..." I say trying to change the conversation "... How are you boys doing now? After God and everything?" I ask
"Haven't watched the show?" he asks with a chuckle
"No, actually the show ended after the fight with God. They wrapped up all 15 seasons pretty good. But there were many tears, you know... from last filming day to last episode... many many tears. And when Jensen and Jared posted their goodbyes to their characters... That was hard" I say and I get teared up just remembering it. "By the way, don't worry, Jensen took Baby home" I say and he chuckles.
"Well, it has been quiet here. Only simple cases here and there, like the old times" he says
"That's good, right?" I ask
"Yeah" he says.

"Hey, from what I remember there are Dean girls and Sam girls. So which one of them are you?" he asks handing me one of the glasses
"First, there are also Cas girls and Jack girls" I say
"Ok, ok, but which one are you?" he asks
"I'm not gonna tell you. Cheers" I say and I drink.
"Mystery, I like it" Dean says and drinks too.

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