The big day (Dean X Reader)

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The big day is almost here. The day I get married to Dean Winchester. The love of my life. The man that I've been in love with since I met him. It took him a year of working cases together to realize but it was worth it.

I feel movement on the bed and I open my eyes. "Good morning" Dean says and pecks my lips "Good morning" I say and I smile. He smiles too and cups my cheek. He softly rubs my cheek with his thumb. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" he asks "You have no idea. I love you" "I love you too" he says and I kiss him.

The door opens and Charlie comes in "Ok love birds, you better get up" she says. Both Dean and I sit up "Good morning to you too" Dean says. "(Y/N), get up, get dressed and I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen. Today's schedule is long" she says "Today's schedule?" I ask "Yes, we have facial treatment, nails, preparations for the wedding night..." as she says that Dean chuckles and I hit his shoulder "...and then the bachelorette" she says "Ok, I'll be there in a bit" I say "Bring the bag with your stuff with because we are not coming back today" she says and leaves the room.

"You're leaving already?" Dean asks and kisses me "Well, you heard her, we have a long schedule" I say and I take some clothes out of the closet. I take off Dean's t-shirt that I used as a pajamas and he hugs me from behind. "You're beautiful" he says and kisses my shoulder "I'm gonna miss you" he says "I'm gonna miss you too" I say and I kiss him. I put my clothes on and I fix my hair a bit. I take the small luggage out and I put inside the stuff I need for tomorrow except my dress which was going to be delivered tomorrow to the bride's suite and close it.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I say and I kiss him. "I can't wait" he says and kisses me again. "Remember, black and red drive me crazy" he says and I chuckle. I take the luggage and get out of the room. I blow him a kiss and he waves. I go to the kitchen and I find Charlie "Ready!" I say "Great, let's go. See you soon bitches".

The next morning I woke up and the girls came almost immediately. Mary, Jody, Donna and Charlie were here to do their make up, hair and get dressed. The make up artist and the hairdresser were here about an hour later and they started with preparing the girls, so they had time to get dressed.

I had both of them working on my make up and hair. We agreed on a natural glow wedding make up and mermaid wave curls for my hair. During that the girls were getting dressed. "Charlie!" I yell without turning "What?" she asks for behind "Are you sure everything is in place?" I ask "Yes, your dress is already in the bride's suite" "And Dean?" "Dean is on his way to the venue with Sam" Mary says "Ok" I say taking a deep breath.

"You're ready (Y/N)" they say which means it's time to look in the mirror. I ‌look myself in the mirror and I feel as beautiful as I've ever been. "Wow, I love i". My eyes get watery and I try to wipe them without smudging my make up. "Ok, I didn't expect to cry so early" I say and I chuckle between my tears. Jody walks to me and hugs me. "I'm ok" I say and she chuckles "Yeah, I can see that" she says "You look beautiful" I say to her as I notice that she is wearing her dress "You're stunning" she says "Dean is gonna lose his mind" she continues. "Ok, let's go" I say and she nods.

We went to the venue and we got in the bride's suite. There was my dress waiting for me to wear it. I took it and I went to change. But I couldn't quite zip it up "I need a little bit of help to zip myself" I say "I'm coming" Charlie says. She zips it up and I walk out. "Wow" Donna says "(Y/N), you're beautiful" Mary says. I turn and I look into the mirror. I start to cry again. "I'm fine" I say before they could say something.

The door opens and my dad comes in. "Dad?" "Hi, sorry for being late" he says "I thought you wouldn't come at all" I say as I hug him "I wouldn't miss it for anything. As much as I hate this bastard, I couldn't lose this" he says. "I wish mom was here" I say and I gently wipe a tear that escaped my eye "Me too. But I'm sure she's very proud of you" "Very proud of me for becoming a hunter? Yeah right" "Don't say that. She was always proud of you. Even when you would destroy her make up and she would ground you" he says and I chuckle "And now I barely wear any so thanks for the trama. Anyways, don't say anything like that later, ok?" "I make no promises".

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