Before he cheats (Dean X Reader)

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Dean and I have been together for over than four years now. We were always really close and spend as much time as we could together but lately something changed. Dean became distant. He doesn't hold me when we sleep together anymore, we don't cuddle anymore, he doesn't kiss me as much as he used to, he leaves without a good excuse and he doesn't even touch me. This is happening for the last two months and I want to keep thinking that maybe he needs some space but I am not sure if that's the case here. I think that he might be cheating on me.

Tonight was one more night that he texted me that he is gonna be staying tonight in Sioux falls at Jody's because it's on his way back from that case he's been working on and it's already getting late so she doesn't let him leave. And I would believe him, if I hadn't talked with Jody just yesterday. She asked me to help her on a case that she and Claire were working on and they will be back home tomorrow.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I keep starring at his text. I finally decide to call him. Another tear escapes my eye as I wait for him to answer but he did. I grab my laptop and I trace his phone. It turns out that he is not even near Sioux falls. He is in a 5-star hotel here, in Kansas. Whoever that chick is, she must be a really important bitch. I take my things and I go to my car. I call him one more time before I leave but again he doesn't answer.

I put his location on the GPS and I start driving. I turn the radio on trying to take my mind off of him for a second.

'Hold me while you wait
I wish that I was good enough--'. I change it before I start crying again
'Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me
Hold on, I still--' I change it AGAIN.
'I wanna live with you
even when we're ghosts
Cause you were always there
When I needed you the most' ARE THEY DOING IT ON PURPOSE? Let's give it one last chance

'Right now, he's probably slow dancing
With a bleached-blond tramp
And she's probably getting frisky'
"Possibly" I whisper to myself letting it play.
*The song is at the top of the chapter. Click on Dean's gif and swipe left*

'Right now, he's probably buying
Her some fruity little drink
Cause she can't shoot whiskey'
"Also possible" I say

'Right now, he's probably up behind her
With a pool-stick
Showing her how to shoot a combo
And he don't know...

I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
I slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats'
"Don't give me ideas girl" I whisper.

'Right now, she's probably up singing some
White-trash version of Shania karaoke
Right now, she's probably saying "I'm drunk"
And he's a-thinking that he's gonna get lucky

Right now, he's probably
Dabbing on three dollars
Worth of that bathroom Polo
Oh, and he don't know...'

"That I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
I slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats" I sing along on the top of my lungs imagining myself doing what the lyrics said. But the anger caused my eyes to get watery. I turn the radio off and I stop the car. I call Dean one more time but now my call goes straight to voicemail. He turn it off...

I get out of the car and I lay against it trying to calm down. But it wasn't working. What am I gonna do now? What if he is really cheating on me? Should I keep going or return home? What am I supposed to do? I ask myself and I hit my car in frustration. I've never been in this place. I was always the one that would break up because I was getting bored after a couple of months. So is this payback? Because this hurts like hell and I don't know what to do. Karma is a bitch, isn't it? I think as I cry.

When I started to calm down, I take my phone again and I call Charlie. "Charlie, I need to ask you something" I say as soon as she answers the call
"Hello to you too. Tell me" she says
"If you thought that your girlfriend might be cheating on you, what would you do?" I ask
"Is there something wrong with you and Dean?" she asks
"No, no. I'm asking for a friend. She texted me that she is on her way to confront him but she is also thinking that maybe she should go back home. What do you think? What should she do?" I ask
"I don't think that Dean is cheating on you" she says
"I said that it's not about me"
"I know, I just don't believe you. Dean is not cheating on you (Y/N). He loves you too much to do that" she says
"Well... Lately it doesn't seem like it. He is always away and when we are together, it really looks like he is hiding something and on top of that we hadn't had sex in three months. Two whole months..." I say as one more tear escapes my eye.

"That's not a reason to think that he is cheating" she says
"Really? Then what is it?" I ask but she just takes a deep breath. "That's what I thought" I say and a sob escapes my lips
"Hey, hey, don't cry now. You know where he is now?" she asks
"Yeah, I traced his phone before he would turn it off. That's how low I've gotten" I say
"Ok, then go and find him and say that you went to surprise him if he's clean" she says
"Ok, ok. Thank you" I say
"You're welcome. Call me to tell me what happened" she says
"I will" I say and I hang up.

I take a deep breath and I get back in my car. I drive to the hotel as fast as I could and I find the Impala parked outside. It's all getting too real now and I just can't believe it. He probably gave a fake name to book the room so I go to the Impala and I open the truck with my second keys. I look through his fake IDs and I immediately know exactly which one is missing. Dean Ford. So I walk inside the hotel and I go to the reception
"Hi, how can I help you?" the lady behind the desk asks
"Hi, I'm here with Mr Dean Ford but he accidentally forgot his key inside the room. Could you please give us a second key so we could get back inside?" I ask as nice as I can
"Of course. Mr Ford is in suite 814, right?" she asks
"Right" I say. Suite? Really?
"Here is your key" she says handing me a card
"Thank you" I say and I leave.

I stop in front of the door with the number 814 terrified of what I might see inside. I touch the card to the lock and the small light turns green. I take one more deep breath, fighting to keep the tears back and I open the door. The room was dark and the only light was coming from candles that was allover the room and the floor was full of red rose petals. On the huge bed was a heart from red and white petals.

Dean comes out of the bathroom and freezes as he sees me. He was wearing a tux and he was looking so handsome... "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" he asks
"That's what you have to say?" I ask. "Wow... You must really like her" I say and I start to cry
"What? No, (Y/N), this isn't what you think" he says and takes my hand
"Don't touch me" I say taking my hand back. "How long? How long have you been with her?" I ask crying
"Why? Why Dean? Weren't we happy? What happened? Did I do something wrong?" I ask
"No, of course not" he says
"Then why? Is she prettier? Does she love you more?" I ask.

"Damn it (Y/N)! There is no she. This is all for you" he says
"Yeah, right" I say ironically
"Yes, it is" he says pulling out a small velvet box from his pocket. "I was planning on calling to come here right now. I've been planning this for two months now. Trying to find the perfect ring, the perfect decoration... Everything, while I was trying to hide it from you. I wanted this to be perfect for you" he says and I just stand there looking at him speechless.

"I love you (Y/N), like nothing I've ever loved before. You mean the world to me. You are the love of my life and I want you to be my friend, my girlfriend, my fiance, my wife and later the mother of my children. I want to spend the rest of my life with you (Y/N)" he says. He gets down on one knee and opens the small box revealing the beautiful ring that was inside. "So I planned and made all this so I could ask you, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) will you marry me?" he finally asks
"Yes, Dean" I say and I kiss him. "I love you and I'm sorry for thinking that you are cheating" I say
"I love you more. And I'm sorry for scaring you like that" he says and kisses me.

He slides the ring in my finger and kisses me again. "You look amazing, by the way" I say
"You always look amazing" he says and kisses me. He picks me up and carries me on the bed. I help him out of his shirt and he pulls away looking down at me. "You are mine now" he says and I smile. He kisses me again and pinning my hands down on the bed.

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