Lost (Dean X Reader)

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A/N: Oh my Chuck, those eyes💚👆🏼...🤤
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Everything was amazing. Everything was perfect. Dean and I were having the best time together. We've known each other for a couple of years because we were working a few case here and there but it's only been three months since we started dating but I already love him so freaking much. He is amazing. Of course I haven't told him that because I don't want to scare him and also he isn't really a commitment guy.

But then everything had to go downhill. He was about to kill Dick Roman and he was pretty confident about that plan. He knew he could do it but I was still concerned. We were in our motel room when he was telling me about his plan and asked me if I wanted to help.

"Please Dean, maybe it's better if we wait and come out with another plan" I say "Wait? How much more? He killed Bobby. He deserves to die" he yells "I know and I also know how much his death cost you but Dean... Let the anger out and think about it. Are you really going to trust Crowley?" I ask "It's our only chance right now and I'm going to take it. With or without you" he says angry and walks to the door "Wait--" "I have nothing to wait for unless you are coming with me" he says. "Let's just talk about it Dean, please" I say and he rolls his eyes. "I'll call you when we are done" he says opening the door "...maybe" he continues and storms the door behind him.

I take a deep breath and I run after him. I grab his arm and I make him turn. "What?" he yells and I punch him immediately and push him against his car holding him pinned there. "You're not gonna just walk away. You are gonna listen to me. The road to revenge is a dark and lonely one. Once you go on it, you can't get off. And that whole in the pit of your stomach never fills. Trust me I've been there after I lost my parents. So I'm begging you, let all those feelings away and think about what you're about to do before you jump into it" I say but he is still looking at me with that angry but also emotionless look on his face.

I take a step back amd I take a deep breath. "Look, everyone I've ever cared for has either died or left me. Everyone except fucking you" I say pissed and I push him back again "Please don't make me lose you too" I say with watery eyes. His expression finally becomes softer. He looks at the ground and then back at me. "Ok" he finally says and I let out a breath of relief. "Come here" he says and hugs me. He rubs my back helping me calm down. He pulls away and cups my cheeks "I'm gonna rethink about it and I'll call you to come, ok?" he asks and I nod. He smiles and pecks my lips. "I'll go back now, talk with Sammy and I'll probably call you tomorrow" he says "Thank you" I say and I peck his lips. I take a step back and he gets in the car. I see him driving away and then I go back in the room.

I make sure I have my phone and I place it on the night stand right next to my bed. I lay on the bed and I look at the ceiling waiting for the call.

I suddenly wake up and that's when I realized that I fell asleep accidentally. Immediately I grab my phone and I look at it but there wasn't any missed calls. But there was a message.

I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I get why you were concerned. So I wanted to apologize. But it's not only that. I lied to you yesterday. I wasn't gonna call you today. I thought that it would be better if you stayed out of it safe. I'm sorry. But we are about to go in now and I just wanted to tell you that I love you

My knees got weak the exact second I read the last three words. I immediately call him back but no answer. That's when I became even more worried. So then I called Sam "What happened?" it's the first thing I said. "It's better if you come here and talk in person" he says. I hang up and I leave immediately, heading to the bunker.

As soon as I parked my car next to the Impala, I run inside the bunker. I see Sam sitting in the library with a bottle of scotch in front of him. I knew exactly what that meant. I stop running and I walk slowly to him. "Say it" I say and he nods.

"He did it. He killed Dick but then he and Cas disappeared. I have no idea what happened or where did they go. I trying to track their phones but nothing, I looked for any paranormal activity or anything that might said that two men appeared out of nowhere but again nothing. I'm sorry (Y/N)" he says "It's not your fault" I say trying my best not to break down.

I sit down across from Sam trying to process it without drowning in tears. "He wanted you to have these" he says passing me the keys to the car "He knew that he was gonna be the one to do it and get close to Dick, didn't he?" I ask and Sam nods. "He said that if something happened to tell you that he is sorry and give you these. He knew how much you loved this car" he says as I take the keys in my hand. "Thank you" I say looking down at the keys.

Six months later, Sam had moved in with his new girlfriend, Amelia and gave me the keys to the bunker because I still believed that I could find Dean and Cas. So I moved in the bunker. It's been almost six months since they are gone and I'm still trying to find out what exactly happened to them, why did they just disappeared?

But I still have nothing. I haven't talked to a living soul in four months and since Sam left. He said that he just found a way to escape from this and try to have a normal life which I respected and didn't bother him again. Until he one day he came in the bunker to pick up some things he left back.

"Hey" he says as he walks down the stairs "Hey" I say not taking my eyes off of the laptop. "(Y/N)" he calls "How are you doing?" he asks "Ok..." I answer "Good. I'm just gonna pick up some things of mine" he says "Ok..." I answer still not paying attention to him. "Are you listening to me?" he asks "Ok..." "I'm thinking of shaving my head" "Ok...". "(Y/N)!" he yells closing my laptop "Hey!" I yell "When was teh last time you went out?" he asks "Since you left" I say and he frowns.

"I bet you haven't slept for more than three to four hours at night, you haven't eaten properly in a long time and you have been burying your feelings as deep as possible. Am I wrong?" he asks and I just roll my eyes. "Of course you do. You are a female version of Dean" he says. "I'm fine Sam. Go be with your girlfriend" I say and I open my laptop again. "(Y/N)--" "He is not dead. They are not dead. They are just lost which means that they are somewhere and I'm gonna find them" I say.

But he closes it again and picks me up. "What are you doing?" I ask "I'm taking you to have a shower and then you are coming with me. Amelia is already making dinner" "I'm fine" "No, you're not. Get ready we are leaving in 30 minutes" he says letting me done in my room.

Amelia seemed really nice and I'm happier for Sam. But seeing them together makes me think of Dean which brought up that pain of his loss. We were sitting in the living room and Sam was holding Amelia close to her having his arm wrapped around her. Dean did that too and when we were just the two of us sitting like that he wouldn't stop kissing my face, neck and shoulders and I would giggle causing him to smile against my skin.

"I need to take some air. I'm sorry" I say and I get out of the house. I sit on the stairs that were in front of the door and I pull Dean's keys out of my pocket. Tears form in my eyes and then I hear the door open. Sam sits next to me and I wipe a tear that escaped my eye. "I'm sorry" I say "It's ok. Are you ok?" he asks but I don't answer. I just look down at the keys in my hand.

"Seeing you and Amelia together makes me think that I'll never gonna have what you two have. Someone who knows everything about me. My perfect partner at a game night" I say and I chuckle through my tears as I remember him playing mouse trap. "But I guess that I haven't realize that I chose to be a hunter over having all that, because I wasn't trained on hunting to fall in love with someone, have children and then quit and live a peaceful life. I was trained in order to protect those who can't protect themselves. I was raised to be an amazing hunter. And the truth is that if I die doing that, I'll die in piece. And I was convinced that this was my life so I settled" I say and I wipe my tears.

"But then Dean came in my life and I finally thought that maybe I can have it all. Maybe this is the way I have both my work and someone that I love. And it worked out really good. For the first time I was so happy, I was fine and I took it for granted and now everything is terrible" I say crying and sobbing. Sam wraps his arm around my shoulders and brings me closer to him.

"I didn't get to see him Sam. I didn't get to tell him goodbye" I say crying and letting my pain finally come on the surface "I didn't get to tell him that I love him" I say sobbing "I should have been there" I continue. "It's not your fault. None of us knew that this was going to happen" Sam says.

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