The perfect date (Dean X Reader)

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Dean and I have been together for two years now and everything has been amazing between us. We met on a case three years ago and it went great so we kept working together since then. Last year he asked me to move in with him and Sam in the bunker. Dean is the best person I've ever met even though he doesn't believe that. I mean he can be a sexy af adult and the next second be the cutest and happiest toddler. I enjoy both moods. But lately with everything going on, we didn't have much time to ourselves.

I walk in the kitchen and I see that Dean there ironing. "There is nothing sexier than a guy doing chores" I say and I hug him from behind. He chuckles and kisses me. "I'm almost done. Do you want to go out on a date tonight?" Dean asks as he walks in the room
"Date? Really?" I ask surprised
"Yeah. Since everything seems quiet for now, why not take some time for us? What do you say?" he asks
"I would love to go on a date" I say and I kiss him. "I'm gonna go get ready" I say and I head to the bathroom.

I put on some make-up and I did my hair. I wore a simple - but also my favourite - knee length dress, a black bomber jacket on top, paired with a pair of black high heels that complement my legs perfectly, making them look long and thin and perfect. And I also know that Dean loves it when I wear them. I go to the library "I'm ready" I say as I see Dean. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, black t-shirt and a black leather jacket on top. "Oh my God, no flannel? Who are you?" I ask and he chuckles
"You are beautiful" he says and kisses me "Let's go" he says and takes my hand.

We drove until we got in town and then we walked. "Where do you want to go?" Dean asks me
"I don't know. Even this is really nice" I say laying my head on him. He wraps his arm around me and holds me as we walk. He kisses my head
"When was the last time we went on a date?" he asks
"More than a year" I say
"Really?" he asks
"Yeah..." I say
"Why didn't you say anything?" he asks
"What was I supposed to say? Hey, Dean, we haven't been on a date recently. Stop killing monsters and take me out on a date" I say and he chuckles. "I'm not mad. I know that you were busy. We were both busy and didn't have time much time for us lately" I say
"Gosh... How did I get so lucky with you?" he asks and I chuckle. "I love you" he says
"I love you too" I say and I kiss him.

The date was amazing and it was something that we both needed. I felt like I missed him even though we're together every day. After our date we stopped by the 24-hour store to grab some things that Sam asked for, before heading back home. It was a small store and there wasn't anyone besides us and the cashier inside. "Do you need anything?" Dean asks me as he put the last thing that Sam asked for in the basket. That moment a dirty idea crossed my mind and I found it fun.

I walk closer to him and I stand on my tip toes in order to reach his ear.
"Well... after such an amazing date, there only one thing I need really... really bad right now" I whisper in a really horny and sexy voice to him as I rub his right side with my hand over his pants. "Do you think you can... help me?" I ask as my hand moves closer to his cock still over his pants.
"I think I can" he whispers smiling at me. I bit my lip and I smile
"Great because tonight I want to be wearing ONLY my heels" I say and I turn away from Dean. I take a step away but he grabs my hand and brings me back to him
"Where do you think you are going?" he asks using his dominant deep and sexy voice
"I decided that I can wait a bit more" I say and I leave again. I can hear him let out a breath
"I hate you when you do this" he says jokingly and I chuckle
"I know" I say.

He follows me to the next aisle but stops in front of the condoms display. He grabs my arm stopping me "Do you want something new for tonight? Flavour or texture?" he asks me
"I don't know. Surprise me" I say and I peck his lips quickly.

Suddenly, the light start flickering and a familiar smell took over the store. I tun to Dean. "Sulfur" we both say at the same time. Two demons come from the one side of the aisle and three more from the other. One of them had taken over the cashier's body and the rest were probably older and already dead meatsuits.
"Well, well, well... Mr and Mrs Winchester" one of them says taking a step closer to us
"Well well well, a few random demons" I say in a full sassy tone and I hear Dean chuckles proudly. I look at Dean and he nods. I look back at the side where the two demons were. "Three!" I say and perfectly synchronized we take our angel blades out of our jackets and immediately throw them at them killing one each. We run there and take our blades back before the other three come to us.

One demon came to me and the other two went to Dean. He tried to punch mr but I dug quickly. I kick his leg and he falls on the ground. I try to stab him but he stops me and rolls. Now I'm on the floor and he is on top of me. He wraps his hands around my throat but I manage to get my legs free and kick him off of me. I get up and punch him throwing him on the selves. I stab him in the chest finally killing him.

"(Y/N)..." I hear Dean's voice. I turn my head and I see that he needs help. I run to him and I stab one of the demons in the back. But the other one throws Dean on the selves pretty hard knocking him out. "Dean!" I yell concerned. I lose the angel blade from my hand and I get thrown on the floor by the last demon.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus" I say and he tries to choke me "...omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio inferniis, adversarii, omnis iegio, omnis congregato et secta diaboiica ergo, draco maiedicte ecciesiam tuam secry tibi facia, iibertate servire, te rogamus" I say as fast as I can and I see the black smoke leaving the body. I get up and I go to Dean who was still unconscious. "Dean..." I say rolling him on his back. "Dean!" I say rubbing his face.

He had a cut on the left side of his forehead that was bleeding a little bit. I get up and I run to find some bandages in the store. As soon as I find them, I rush back to Dean. I kneel next to him and I place his head on my lap carefully. "Dean, come on, wake up babe" I say as I put alcohol on a piece of cotton. I put it on his cut and I clean it softly. He flinches a little bit and I let out a breath of relief. He tries to get up "Hey, hey, it's ok" I say laying him back down on my lap
"What? What are you doing?" he asks
"I'm almost done" I say sticking the bandage on his forehead. "How are you feeling?" I ask
"I'm fine, really" he says and I nod. I kiss him and I help him stand on his feet.

"Are you sure you're feeling ok?" I ask again
"I am a little dizzy but it'll past. I'm gonna be fine, ok?" he asks hugging me
"Ok" I say and I hug him back. "I love you" I say
"I love you too. Now let's go home before someone else comes" he says and I nod.
"Maybe I should drive now" I suggest
"Yeah" he says tossing me the keys.

"By the way, did you just killed 4 out of the 5 demons that were in there?" he asks impressed
"Are you surprised?" I ask
"No. I just..." he says looking at me with those sweet eyes that were full of love. "I expected that you would do 5/5" he continues as we get in the car
"I left one for you purposely, so you wouldn't think you're useless" I say and he chuckles
"Thank you" he says
"You're welcome" I say and I kiss him.

"I'm sorry that this ruined our date" he says as we get in our room
"It's not your fault. Actually, I'd say that the date was perfect and the fight was one of its highlights" I say and he chuckles "It's our life Dean. We can't run from it and we need to keep fighting" I continue. He sits next to me on the bed and takes my hand.
"What would I do without you?" he asks
"Crash and burn" I say and he chuckles.
"Thank you so much" he says and kisses me
"For what?" I ask
"For everything" he says and kisses me again.

"By the way, you promised me something before those demons came" he says and kissing my neck.
"I remember" I say taking my jacket off. I turn to him and I sit on his lap. His hands travel up my sides and on my breasts. His lips kiss my lips against but this time deeper and more passionate.
"That's what I call the perfect date" he says taking his t-shirt off and kisses me again.

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