Mother (Dean X Reader)

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A/N: This gif makes me so emotional for some reason 😭 Jody is the best


Today it's mine and Dean's first wedding anniversary and he said that he planned a date for us. He didn't tell me many details about it because he wanted to surprise me but he said to go fancy with the outfit. Hunting can be difficult sometimes but having times like this help a lot with staying in touch and not get distant from eachother. I'd actually say that's the secret of our 6-year in total relationship.

I was one of those hunters who were literally born in this life. My parents were working cases and hooking up until I came accidently. My mother didn't let me forget that. I was training since I can remember myself and it was like I was made to do that. I still remember my first case that my dad took me to when I turned 16. He was the best but as always the best are the ones that get taken first. He died in a case when I was 19 and I miss him and I will miss him every day of my life. I've never met or known about any other family outside my parents. So when it was just my mom and I... It didn't go very well.

But all that is past, buried somewhere in my brain. Today is my first wedding anniversary and I couldn't be happier about it. It turned out that Dean had booked us a table on a really fancy restaurant, on the table with the best view to the beautiful lake. The light of the moon and the stars was the best and the water of the lake was their mirror. It was the most romantic thing that I've ever experienced. Even more romantic than the proposal.

So after the really nice dinner, we decided to take a walk in town since it was quiet, mostly because it's late. He had his arm wrapped around my shoulders and I was leaning my head on his chest. We didn't need to talk. We just enjoyed eachother's company. "I love you" Dean says out of nowhere
"I love you too" I say and we kiss.

"(Y/N)?" I hear a female voice say and I turn around "Baby" she says and hugs me
"Mom?" I ask surprised. She must have done so many plastic surgeries... "What do you want here? And how did you find me?" I ask trying to pull away from her
"I did some research and I found you" she says
"Why?" I ask
"Because I missed you. I wanted to see you" she says but I still don't believe her.

"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend?" she asks looking at Dean
"Uhm... Dean this is Julie, my mother. Julie this is Dean, my husband" I say and they shake hands
"It's nice to meet you ma'am" Dean says
"It's nice to finally meet you too. I didn't know you would still be married" she says to me
"You didn't bother to ask" I say. "But I see that you bothered to remove some wrinkles, didn't you? How much did you spend on plastic surgeons?" I ask
"Let's not talk about that now" she says looking at Dean and then back to me.

"Ok, what do you want to talk about then? Say it so we can go our separate ways again" I say
"Why are you rushing? This is my hotel..." she says handing me the card "Come for a coffee tomorrow morning" she says
"I don't--" I was saying but Dean interrupts me
"She shouldn't be staying in a hotel. We have plenty of space in the bunker" he says "How about you come to our place tonight and you go out to talk tomorrow if you need?" he suggests. I look at him with the 'I'm gonna murder you' look and then back at my mom.
"Sure, why don't you come?" I say nicely
"Great. You wait for me here, I'll go get my things from the hotel" she says excited.

Needless to say that not only she stayed that night but we didn't even had the talk she wanted. She has been staying here for a week and it's making me really upset. She is pretending like everything between us is great and she is trying to make the boys like her by cooking and baking for them. In Dean's case it might work but in Sam's not so much.

He helped me do some research on her and now I know exactly what she doing. She is broke and doesn't anything left so she is planning on staying here. She had never checked in a hotel that night. She has been living in her car for the last month but I guess that her royal ass is tired of it.

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