Chapter 1: The Cold Princess of Gray Manor

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 "My dear, its morning," I hear the gentle voice of Nanny Grace beside me, feeling the bed dip a little. Grace Turner, who is in her 40s, has been taking care of me since I was just a baby. She's been working here at the mansion longer than everyone else and is considered family to me.

I don't open my eyes, because what's the use...if I can't see things like I used to before. Pulling the sheets over my head, I make no movement to get out of bed. It has always been like this since...

"Come on dear, we should get you ready," She gently shakes my shoulder, "You should say good bye to your parents before they leave to the airport."

I pull down the cover, sitting up slowly. Without a word, I put my feet on the cold floor, staring blankly at the window before me. I can't see it, but I know its right in front of me. Someone gently grabs my arm and I know its Nanny Grace because of her familiar perfume, the smell of lavender. She helps me up and we both walk into the bathroom where my bathtub is ready for me. I could manage so Nanny Grace left me to take my shower. I feel the warm water wash down my skin, loving the feeling. I wish water could make me feel better emotionally and not just physically.

When I was done taking my shower, I reach for the towel on the side then carefully wrapped it around my body. Nanny Grace comes back in and helps me out, leading me to the walk-in closet.

"What do we feel like today?" Nanny Grace asked me when she helped me sit down on the chair.

I don't even have to think about it, "Black."

She sighs loudly for me to hear, but I continue staring at nothing. I have a feeling she's making faces at me, probably tired of seeing me wear nothing but black clothes.

"Aren't you tired of using black? Come on, dear," She uttered, walking around the closet, "You have all these other coloured dresses; I miss seeing you wear them."

"Black, Nani," I answered simply.

Nani is what I always call her ever since I was a child. Now, I'm just a blind girl in her 20s.

She sighs, annoyed but does what I asked. After helping me into a black dress, she then helps me look presentable. Like always, she puts my brown hair together using a claw clip. People say I look like I have makeup on even though I don't. I just put on some lip gloss before slipping my feet into flat sandals. I hate that I can't do anything without people helping me. I hate that I can't see anything anymore...I should have just died than to go through this.


As usual, I had my breakfast alone. My parents were always busy with work. They probably had breakfast earlier, skipped, or went out to eat with business partners. I don't even bother waiting for them anymore. I am used to their absence. After I was done eating, I was told my parents were about to leave. I continue sitting there, drinking a glass of fresh orange juice.

"Honey! I forgot my wallet," I heard my mom, Lorraine Gray, shout to my dad as she was walking down the stairs, "Can you get it for me?"

I hear her heels click against the floor as she approached me. She kisses me on the head before walking pass me to the kitchen, saying, "Good morning, my precious. Did you sleep well last night?"

I don't say anything.

"Your father and I have an urgent business meeting in Saudi Arabia," She informed me when she got back, probably holding a cup with lemon water like she always does every morning. "We'll probably be back at the end of next week."

"Ma'am, do you really have to travel now? I don't think it's safe to travel especially with the virus spreading," Nani was asking before I interrupted her.

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