Chapter 3 - Monday.

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Monday. For dyin' out loud!
Monday's are the worst...
I was so annoyed about Spectra's blog and Avea being a bitch about it: It drowned out the fact that I had to meet Toralei at Study Howl early this morning.
I got up and ignored everyone. I didn't even have breakfast. I put my mane in a high ponytail and got changed into a black top and some ripped jeans and black boots, just like my yellow ones. I felt Avea's eyes burn two holes in the back of my neck as I left (not literally... Thank god.)
I started to walk to Study Howl as Clawd runs behind me and gives me a "manly" nudge. You know, ones that will slam me against the wall.
"Dude!" I yelled and stood up.
"Sorry Man!" He laughed.
"I wanted to congratulate you."
"On what?"
"Being Toralei's new man!"
I face-palmed. You've got to be kidding me.
"I'm not. Her new man." I murmured against my hand.
"Yeah, yeah! It's all over Spectra's blog!" He showed me the post, AGAIN!
"And you don't think I was trying to kill Spectea for it?" I rolled my eyes. "Shame she's already dead." I brushed my top down and walked off.
"Oh, and by the way." I looked over at Clawd.
"She's not my type." I walked off to Study Howl.
7:29am. I was just on time.
I regret what I said earlier. She is my type... Sort of. She's the complete opposite to me. But you know what they say... 'Opposites attract.'
Nobody was in Study Howl. Even Toralei wasn't there yet. Classes didn't start for another hour yet.
I looked around, walking.
Then I heard her voice, it was soft.
"Hey Zombiecorn." She smirked as I turned around to look at her.
She wore a black leather jacket, her hair was curled, she wore black - skinny jeans with an orange T, including her Black and Orange high heels. She was stunning. She wore jet-black lipstick and a tad of black eyeshadow and eyeliner. As well as her long eyelashes and beaming green eyes.
"Hey Toralei." I smiled brightly.
"So, I saw Spectra's blog last night. I could hear your scream from a mile away." She smirked.
I froze.
"Yeah... Heh..."
"Don't worry about it, I've had several Ghouls ask me about it."
"What did you say?"
"Nothing really, I just said it isn't what it looks like, but you know how everyone is, they don't believe a word you say." She rolls her eyes and smiles very slightly.
I nod and put a hand behind my head, that's my 'this-is-totally-awkward-but-you're-gorgeous-' pose.
Toralei smirked.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to fang out with me and my Ghouls this lunch? They're totally fangirling over you."
My eyes opened wide, I was shocked. Especially when all of them - including Toralei - were playing it pretty cool down at the mall.
I chuckle as if I wasn't really fussed. "Sure, I'd love to." I smile slightly. Not making myself look like an complete and utter fool.
- 8:30pm -
First period. Ugh, I wondered if I was going to have any luck with who I was with this lesson.
I walked in and Toralei was sat with Meowlody and Purrsephone, her Ghoul friends. They're twins. I can't tell them apart. Only their hair helps me do that.
Toralei looks over and sees me.
"Neightan, over here!" She called, still trying to be as 'cool' as possible.
I smile and walk over, I sit beside Toralei and one of the twins, I sit back as one of the twins examine me. This was pretty cool. With the other Ghouls all I got was a pie in the face and thrown to the floor. Now this, this is what I want. To have good-lookin-... Hot... Ghouls all over me.
Toralei had a 'to go' cup with coffee in. She took a sip and put it on the desk. The twin stopped examining me now. But moved onto my pony tail. Oh lord, I'm going to turn into this kitty's doll by the time she's done. She played around with is and brushed my mane though her fingers. After about 5 minutes she stopped and left me alone. She went on her Icoffin and stayed quiet for the rest of the lesson.
As for, Toralei she turned to me and looked me up and down smiling. I don't know what the heck she was thinking. Good thoughts I hope.. Maybe?
I smile back and then my face drops as I hear someone scream my name. It wasn't just any scream. It was Avea's scream.

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