Chapter 12 - Kick off.

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Moments later Avea trotted in with Bonita and Sirena floating behind. Avea looked up at me. Cleo and Clawdeen looked at her too, they motioned her over to sit with them... Great! The three ghouls who seem to hate my guts, sat right in front of me. This won't go down nicely.
I sat there patiently as the game began. A few seconds later Avea turned around to me.
"Neighthan, can I talk to you for a moment?" She asked. She seemed genuine.
"Sure. But make it quick..." I say coldly. We stood up and snook outside the sports hall.
I didn't want Toralei to know I was gone.
Avea sighed as we shut the door behind us.
"Look, I'm sorry..." She says and folded her arms "I felt like I was loosing my best friend, and I have. I've lost you completely all because I was afraid of that." She rubbed her arm, looking the the ground.
I looked at her for a moment. I didn't know what I could say. So I hugged her, tight. I can't believe I chose someone else over my best friend. I love Toralei but Avea means just as much to me.
I pulled away gently. "It's okay, I'm sorry for neglecting you. I feel like I should of just listened to you and this wouldn't of happened." I said and looked away. Avea sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay, just don't let Toralei know about this convocation, she really doesn't like me. She feels like I'm taking you away from her."
"What? Wh-" The doors burst open. It was Toralei. Cleo and Clawdeen were shouting her and running behind, the came over and they gripped on her shoulders and pulled her back.
"You!" Toralei shouted at Avea.
"Toralei stop!" Cleo yells yanking Toralei back. She elbows Cleo and shakes off Clawdeen. Toralei walks up to Avea as she starts to back away.
Toralei cornered Avea. She then looked at me. "Why are you hugging her?" Toralei asked me. My eyes opened wide. I didn't see this side of Toralei before.
"She came to apologise- look, let her go Toralei she's done nothing wrong!" Cleo and Clawdeen shut and locked the sports hall doors behind them before the whole crowd came to see what was going on.
"Do you know he was my best friend before you came along?!" Avea snapped.
Toralei looked at Avea and hissed "don't go near Neighthan again!"
"Toralei no!" I said loudly "me and Avea are like family! We can't separate because you want us too! That goes for all the hybrids!" I said and folded my arms. I saw Avea smile, like she saw the old me again.
Clawdeen and Cleo walked over to Toralei. "Shuga', come on, it's not worth getting inta' trouble for."
I have no idea who's side Cleo and Clawdeen is on. One minute they're best friends with Avea, the next they're keeping Toralei out of 'trouble'...
I looked at the ghouls for a moment. They then all looked at me. We fell silent. I shook my head as I took a deep breath out as I then frowned. I started to walks backwards, I then turned around and walked off. I folded my arms and didn't look back.
Toralei's eyes opened wide and her eyes watered. She backed away from Avea and started to run after me. I felt her heels on the ground. I looked behind me as she was running towards me. I gasped and began to run. Avea didn't know what to do so she galloped after us.
Cleo and Clawdeen looked at each other, Clawdeen started to run as Cleo let everyone out of the sports hall. And ran off after all of us. I began to run in and out of classrooms. Jumping over desks and smaller monsters. I eventually found my way out and stopped as I went through the exit. I sat on the stairs to catch my breath as the others were running after me. Along with the whole school running to see what was going on.
I'm convinced it will be in Spectra's blog tonight.
Once I caught my breath, I started to walk away from the school.
Toralei's heels were scattered in the middle of the school now. She was determined to find me. Avea, Clawdeen, Cleo and the school were still searching.
Toralei ran out of the school exit. She saw me walking away.
She silently ran up to me and leaped onto me until we both fell to the ground.
"Ow!" I yelled.
Toralei was on top of me, she gripped onto my shoulders.
"Listen!" She says tearing up.
I didn't know what she was about to say but I didn't really want to know.

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