Chapter 9 - She took it well.

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It's been a week since me and Gigi went to the Coffin-bean together.
Me and Toralei aren't going anywhere and I don't know where I stand with her. We've argued twice this week. One minute were at each others throats, the next were hugging and saying sorry.
Me and Toralei aren't 'dating' but everyone thinks we are and should.
It was Sunday morning, Monster high had a party last night. Me and Toralei stayed in with the Twins and her Vampire friend. (I never got that ghouls name...)
We joined our beds together and a spear one for her friend. We all sat in this large - connected bed and watched movies all night.
I was in between Toralei and Meowlody. Meowlody is definitely the Ghoul I get along with.
Toralei was quiet for all of the night. But... She's been quiet the whole week. Since we kissed last Saturday. I don't know why she's changed and become so emotional all of a sudden. I was concerned really.
Anyway, let's get back to what I said before.
It was Sunday morning, it's been nearly a month since me and Frankie spoke.
My phone rang. Guess who it was? Frankie. I shat myself. Wondering what she had to say. I picked up the phone.
"Hey... Frankie."
"Hey Neighthan, Gigi and I are going to the Movies in an hour, we wanted to know if you want to tag along?"
Holy - ... What? She was talking to me like nothing had happened! Like this whole 'relationship' we had was out the window and she forgot. It's probably because she's with Jackson again or something stupid.
"Sure, I'll see you then." I then hung up right away. I didn't know what to do or say to keep the convocation going. So I just hung up (smooth.)
Toralei and the Twins weren't in, they were out with the Vampire. I STILL don't know her name!
I met the girls at the coffin-bean and walked up together. It was awkward at first but we were okay after a while.
"So, Neighthan! What's with you and Toralei? You seem cozy." She nudges me and smirked.
I froze. "Oh, um..." I glanced at Gigi and then looked forward. "N-Nothing's goin-"
I did it didn't I? I tripped over my feet like the clumsy asshole I am! I fell to the floor and stood straight up again. Frankie looked at me, her eyebrows raised and smiling, looking as if she was about to laugh.
She laughed through her breath and patted my back.
"There's no point lying."
Gigi's face was completely red. She then screamed with laughter. She put her hand on the wall too keep herself together.
Me and Frankie looked at each other, we looked scared.
When Gigi calmed down, she wiped a tear from her eye (Tear of laughter).
She looked at us and giggled.
"Sorry, that was just too funny."
Me and Frankie rolled our eyes and walked into the Movies.
It was going great. We'd just bought our tickets as we then all lined up for Popcorn and stuff (over priced I swear.)
Then I heard this huge 'Squeee' behind me.
Of corse it was Toralei - how cute!
I turned around. "Toralei Hey!" I smile trying to be cool. (Again, it doesn't work.)
Toralei ran up to me and gave me a huge hug, wrapping her arms around my neck and giggling.
I've never seen her be so... Soft. She's turned into me... not literally.
I hugged her back then looked over to Frankie.
She smirks at me, then smiles.
"Cute" she said silently.
I was surprised how cool she was with this.
She knew something was going on, I mean. It's on Spectra's blog - sick of saying that now.
Toralei was here to watch the same movie as us, she was with Meowlody and Purrsephone too. That was pretty cool.
Toralei and the twins sat with us right at the back.
Frankie, Gigi, Meowlody and Purrsephone sat the row in front of me and Toralei who were on the very back row in the corner.
Toralei and Frankie didn't speak much, but Toralei and Gigi did, which was surprising.
I found the movie pretty boring so I was sat on my phone the whole time while Toralri had her head resting on my shoulder. Sweet.
- At the Coffin-bean 6:40pm -
We stayed at the movies for a while and watched about 3 movies in a row. We decided to get a drink from the Coffin-bean. Then all Fang out at some fancy restaurant Frankie was talking about, she said she was inviting Jackson to meet up with us then.
We all sat on some comfy couches in the Coffin-bean. Toralei and I never separated all day. I found it rather cute.
I needed to make my move soon.

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