6: phil being their teacher doesnt mean anything franks pov

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the title isn't a quote,

Shit, that boy is so beautiful and hot and adorable.  How is that possible. 

Fuck. I haven't been like this ever. 

I walk into what I was told is ELA. My teacher greets me and I head to the back of the class. I pretend the I don't know who he is. No, he never posted on youtube, not at all

"hey idiot" I look up to see some dude with toxic masculinity so strong I can taste it walk up to me "what gives you the right to grab my dick then steal my seat?"

I check the seat a few times over along with the desk and give him a look "excuse me, I don't see any names on this chair or desk, and what proof do you have?" I give him a smile and look at his crotch for emphasis. He groans in annoyance knowing he cant say shit with out admitting he had to jerk off because I touched his dick. I can tell. 

He leans close to me and talks as quiet as possible "you caused me a problem I had to fix it"

"ah," I think of something I think this guy would find hot. I have a good idea so I lean in and whisper "What did you think about? huh? My lips around your dick sucking slowly? Or was it you pounding me into the wall moaning your name?" I mentally kill myself as I let out a whispery fake moan "oh fuck- harder, please," 

I suddenly wonder what possessed me to say that... probably the slutty side of me.

Note to self: bleach mouth out later.

His face is red. So red it's comparable to that pastel boys hair with the pretty smile. I wonder what class he has.

I look down and notice it worked. I smile. "you should find a seat class is starting." he walks away in defeat. 

I stare off and think about that pastel boy the rest of class. When the bell rings everyone runs out and the teacher walks towards me, "hey frank" he says.

 "yeah Mr. Lester?"

"I don't know what you did earlier but good job, that kid is a bitc- I mean jerk to almost everyone" he says.

I nod "I could smell the toxic masculinity on him so it was kinda funny. You can swear in front of me... Wait don't you have a YouTube channel awhile back with your friend?" 

He nods and smiles.

"yeah I've seen you swear, its fine. Either way... Dan right?" he nods again. "Says shit I couldn't say without getting detention, so like- wait how is he? He hasn't been on social media for awhile..." I say.

"He's fine, I didn't realize that kids would recognize me when I made a YouTube  channel you and like 3 or 4 other people have recognized me..." 

We have a quick conversation before I leave the class. 

I walk to the lunch room and look around. I see a kid with bright green hair sitting near a bunch of kids who don't look like they belong. I sit down. 

"um.. hello?" that green haired kid looks at me. 

I move over so I'm closer to them. "hi... I'm frank" I say. 

"oh my god... your the new kid, dude, you gave a senior football player a fucking boner." one kid says. 

"holy shit, a senior," I laugh "ok you guys seem cool, what's yalls names."

"ok, I'm Billie, Thats Awsten, Lindsey, and Ray," they all wave at me.

"you guys are giants." 

"you're just fucking short," Billie (i think) says jokingly.

"yeah and this 5'5 bitch can still fuck your dad." I laugh.

"we're gonna get along." Lindsey says and they all nod in agreement.

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